Chapter Two

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The next month I realised our 1st wedding anniversary was coming up, and it was 2 years since our first date.

I'm not sure if we would be celebrating it with everything that had happened (that's if Tom had even remembered our anniversary but I wouldn't blame him if he didn't). Harry had only been gone for a little over a month... I felt it was too soon, but I was still going to buy Tom a present anyway.

It had been the craziest but best two years of my whole life and meeting Tom was the best thing that had ever happened to me. It was just crazy to think that two years ago, I was stressed out, working too hard, I didn't want to date at all and never even thought about having kids. Strange how so much can change in such a short time.

I was feeling very sentimental I woke up that morning. Tom had already left for work and Jacob was just starting to wake up in his crib.

"Good morning, my handsome little man. Shall we go shopping for Daddy today?" I cooed.

We spent the morning lazily walking around the shops in the warm sun, but I struggled to find something for Tom. What could you get the man that already has everything? In the end, I got him a new tie, a framed picture of him, me and Jacob, some more aftershave (my favorite!) and a mug saying 'Best Daddy' on it from Jacob.

I smiled warmly at the mug; he would love this present off his baby boy. I know it was our anniversary, but I thought it would be nice to get a present off his son too.

I finished my shopping and got back into the car, happily. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I got home and started to wrap Tom's presents and then hide them inside my bedside table, excitedly.

The next morning, my eyes fluttered openly softly as the smell of coffee invaded my nostrils.

Mmm smells heavenly.

Tom was sitting on the bed in-front of me, with a smile on his face, holding a breakfast tray filled with coffee and blueberry pancakes.

"Happy anniversary baby." Tom placed the tray on my legs as I sat up in bed.

"You remembered?"

"Of course, I did. I couldn't forget meeting and marrying the love of my life."

So sweet! How he made me melt inside.

"Happy anniversary to you too." I smiled and leant over to kiss his lips softly.

" I've booked the day off work and I've arranged for your Mum to have Jacob for the day."


"I think we need a day of just you and me after everything that's happened recently. So, enjoy your breakfast, Mrs. Parker, while I jump in the shower."

I was excited. I couldn't wait to spend a day alone with him. Especially after the sadness of his father passing away. I still saw Tom looking far away and sad some days or sobbing quietly to himself. My heart really went to him.

I finished my breakfast and got Jacob out of his crib to feed him. Once he was finished with his milk, I winded him and put him on the bed next to me. He gurgled and kicked his legs happily.

"Oh, by the way..." Tom started, as he came out of the shower. "Adam will be following us, and Ben will be watching your parents' house."

"Will that really be necessary?" I asked him.

Yes, it will." Tom came over to his side of the bed and sat next to Jacob, looking at him and smiling,

I opened my bedside table and produced his presents. He opened and absolutely loved them; especially the mug, which I knew he would. He started to laugh.

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