Chapter Nine

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No, Sophie, you can't think like that. I shook my head to myself. Tom is going to be absolutely fine. He's going to wake up from surgery and smile and hold me and reassure me and surround me with his love.

He's going to be just fine.

But what if he's not?

What if he doesn't make it through surgery, and he dies? Leaves me a widow and leaves his son without a father. How would I cope without him? What would I do?

"Sophie?" Adam's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "I'm going to the cafeteria; would you like anything to eat?" he asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm fine. Could you call Helen and ask how Jacob is doing, please?" I muttered.

"Of course. I will be back soon."

Adam left the waiting area and it was just me. Alone. With my horrible thoughts. I sobbed into my hands. I couldn't live without Tom and I'm not even going to try.

Adam came back a few minutes later, carrying two sandwiches and two water bottles, "Just in case you get hungry soon. Jacob is fine... Helen is giving him some dinner."

Tears sprung down my eyes again, "What if... Jacob can't lose his daddy." I sobbed. "I can't lose him."

"You won't, I promise."

"How long has it been now?" Surely, it's been a few hours now since Tom's surgery.

"Forty minutes." Adam muttered next to me.

"How long did they say surgery would take?"

"A couple of hours I think."

I stood up and started to pace around, nervously, "I can't just sit here and do nothing!" I panicked.

"There's nothing you can do, Sophie, he's in the best hands. Why don't you eat your sandwich?" Adam suggested.

"I don't want the damn sandwich, Adam!" I snapped, but then looked at him apologetically.

He shook his head at me as if to say my outburst is completely fine.

"What about Tanya? She ran off!"

"The police have been informed and are looking for her." Adam told me. "David is at the lead of the investigation."

"Did you tell them everything about the blackmail and the tape?" I asked.

"Yes, they know everything."

"But... if they are still looking for her... then Helen. Jacob!" I panicked.

"They are perfectly safe with Ben, don't worry, Sophie. The house is completely locked up and Ben is watching the security cameras."

I calmed down a little knowing that Helen and Jacob would be safe with Ben. Adam and Ben had never let us down before, but I wished I had never opened that damn door this morning.

A couple of hours later, I had practically bitten all the skin around my nails away and drank so many cups of tea's that my bladder was ready to burst.

"I'm just going to the toilet." I muttered to Adam, standing up and rushing out.

I ran into the lady's bathroom and sat on the closest toilet to relieve myself. As I sat there, the thoughts were still running through my brain.

Surely, he would be out of surgery by now?

Why is no one telling us anything?

I finished in the bathroom and headed back to the waiting area where the Doctor was waiting.

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