Chapter 2

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They were staring right at Jungkook, with wide eyes not saying a word. Jungkook rolled his eyes, stepping over the dozens of zombie corpses, making his way over to the gawking group. He was getting annoyed over the men staring at him, so he picked his knife and threw it straight at one of the men, narrowly hitting his and hitting the car behind him. This got them moving.

"What is your fucking problem, you almost hit me!" The short one shouted. He had cute blonde hair and was the second shortest in the group. He held a nasty glare as he stared at the new guy who just smirked back at him. "You were pissing me off by staring at me." Jungkook scoffed, still with a smirk on his face. He stepped closer to the men, walking straight past them, taking the stuck knife out of the side of the car, putting it back in the holder before turning to the group once again.

"The words you are looking for is 'you're welcome'" Jungkook said smirking at the group. Instead of waiting for their reply, Jungkook turned around and started to walk away, leaving the group confused. "Where are you going?" One of the men asked, confusion laced in his voice. "I'm going back to my base, away from the new hoard of zombies that will be arriving soon." He said, not turning around and carrying on walking. "Come with me if you want, but you can't stay." Silently the group began following the boy, stepping over the corpses of the dead zombies.

They walked through the abandoned city, weaving through the buildings that had fallen and the overgrown plants that now took over the whole city. They had met a few other zombies; however, they were taken down with ease by their 'guide'. He was always a step ahead of them, not talking at all and keeping to himself. The rest of the group tried to make small talk with him but he either didn't reply or brushed them off and sped up walking. It had become dark now, and the only light that was there was the moon which was guiding the seven through the buildings. Everyone had given up with trying to talk with the boy in front of them for he had begun ignoring everything they had said. They wondered why he was like this but couldn't ask as he would ignore them anyway.

The sun had begun rising and everyone wondered how long it would be until they arrived at the mysterious base of the mysterious boy. They didn't even know why they were going with him and why they trusted him, but still they followed behind watching their surroundings and looking out for anything lurking in the darkness of the buildings.

As they were walking, Jungkook stopped in front of a large building which was still stood up tall. He turned around to the group behind him. "This is my base, welcome." He said in a bittersweet tone, almost as if he were mocking the others. Without waiting for their reply, he took out a key from his pocket and went up to the door and unlocked it stepping inside.

"Come in and make yourself at home. This building belongs to me, so no other groups come in here and is safe from zombies. There are rooms on the second floor and on the third floor is the kitchen with lots of food. Do not go onto the fourth floor, that is where my things are and where I work. I do not like to be disturbed so if you need something ask me when I come down. The basement is also off limits, that is where my weaponry is kept. It is locked so don't even think about stealing anything." He stopped briefly to look at the group who surrounded him, studying their faces. "I have a few rules that will need to be followed; one, do not make a lot of noise, it will attract the zombies and disturb me, two, do not go into the places I told you not to go in, three, anyone out of this group is not allowed on this building, I do not normally allow strangers in here however you are allowed to stay for a bit. That is all, you can go to the kitchen or the bedrooms, I will be on the fourth floor." Jungkook went to a cupboard and unlocked it pulling out a drawer. "If you need me use these phones to call me, do not come on the fourth floor." And with that he left, going towards a set of doors which was presumably the stairs, leaving the boys stood their confused and intrigued with the boy who left.

Thank you for being patient whilst I wrote this chapter. I don't have a set day that I will be publishing the chapters as I am busy a lot of the time. I am in my GCSE year, so I have a lot of work that I need to do. I will try and publish as frequently as I can. Enjoy! Thank you for reading!


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