Knight In Shining Armor

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***Persephone's POV***

Standing before our thrones, four wounded Warriors of Death. Darius, Jackson, Ethan and Bryan, tried their hardest to mask their pain.

Serriphina, Alejandro. Mekhal and I descended from our thrones and stood before our angel warriors.

Pride shone brightly across each of our faces. The Chosen Ones before us were nothing but incredible. Each wolf cast his life to the side selflessly to watch over our angel Aubrey.

We walked our way to each warrior. Standing one in front of the other.

Serriphina lifted her hands to clasp them delicately on Jackson's shoulders. Jackson is the Warrior of Strength. His fortitude withstands the test of time.

Alejandro held Bryan, Guardian Warrior, between his hands. Bryan's heart held captive the angels in its purity. He brought rays of hope in darkened times, guarding other's from the darkness.

Mekhal gripped lightly on the cuffs of Ethan's biceps. Ethan is the Warrior of Encouragement. Always choosing what is right versus what is easy.

And my own hands were cupping each side of Darius face. The Punisher and Warrior of Protection. Where he takes death in his grip and lashes it's rampage against the wicked, he willingly protects the innocent.

We stared into the tired eyes of our Warriors.

"Wolves, your actions have once again enforced your positions as Warriors. We have asked much of you in these centuries. We will continue to as much of you in the future. But, today you stand before us after completing a 17 year mission. We stand before you to say Well Done." I declared.

Each Deity laid kisses upon the heads of our Warriors. Each Warrior unknowingly accepting their reward.

Power radiated thru each Deity's lips as the wolves bowed their heads in respect.

Serriphina stepped back from Jackson. Clasping her hands in his.

Alejandro stepped back from Bryan. Taking his hands in his.

Mekhal stepped back from Ethan. Holding his hands tightly within his own.

I slid my hands into Darius' strong hands and stepped back as well.

"Your blessing for completing your assignment has just been revealed." Mekhal announced.

Four sets of stunning eyes looked to their creators.

"Thank you for all you do, we appreciate every sacrifice you have made and will continue to make." Alejandro cooed.

"One sacrifice you each have made was too high a price to pay. We are rectifying this oversight starting today." Serriphina promised.

"No longer will you only serve your Deities and Packs." I proclaimed.

"You will each be blessed with a mate. One made just for you. He or she will complete the missing pieces of your soul that have been left aching to be filled." I announced.

Breathtaking smiles blinded the Chamber of Judgement as our words touched the ears of our faithful warriors. We matched those smiles with ones of our own.

Howls erupted from the Warriors lips as they showed pleasure in their futures.

"Now, we came today to discuss Aubrey." Serriphina interjected.

"Her time has come to meet with our panel of Deities. We must get to her before she makes a grave choice. I'm afraid her soul is too shattered to take another blow from Fate. We will intervene, finally!" Alejandro said with a huff.

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