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Bryan and I were headed to the spa. What's a day of pampering without a bestie to share with?

Once we arrived, we gave the receptionist my name, to which she quickly found the reservation and lead us to the massage tables.

"Oh, I can't wait to have someone pull out all these knots." Bryan said excitedly.

"What knots?" I asked incredulously.

"The ones from working you out all day." He confirmed.

"Hmph, more like slaving me like a boot camp recruit." I argued.

"I'm not sorry." He laughed.

"You will be when I kick your ass!" I warned.

Bryan just laughed, as if the idea had been absurd.

The two masseuses walked in with dainty looking hands.

I was so excited. This was my very first trip to a spa. My love spoils me so.


The massage was incredible. They used hot oil and worked their magic fingers into all my sore muscles. I felt extremely relaxed and I assumed this was Darius' intentions.

Afterwards Bryan and I separated. He was hitting the showers and I the bath.

Man, the scent was captivating. Lavender and Jasmine sea salts were swirling in the purple water. The jets in the tub massaged my skin like kisses. I was in heaven.

When we were clean and smelling like a floral garden, I begged Bryan to get a pedicure.

"Nope" he said while popping the P.

"Why Bry-Bry?" I whined.

"That's for girls" he complained.

"Men get pedis all the time." I comforted him.

"Oh yeah, what men, do you know, that get their feet pampered?" He asked incredulously.

Just then the door chime rang.

"These men!" Ethan, Jackson and Darius confirmed.

"You all are getting pedicures?" Bryan questioned.

"Yep! All five of us!" Jackson promised.

"Yayyyyy" I squealed.

"How was you massage, parvulus?" Darius crooned.

"Amazing" I sang.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he cooed.

"Bryan tried to kill me." I scolded.

"I did not" he whined.

"Then what do you call that training that put Paris Island to shame?" I demanded.

All the guys laughed.

We sat in our chairs and had our feet cleaned and manicured. Then the boys went and got us drinks while I had a pearl finish french manicure applied to my toes.

"White chocolate mocha, no sugar, My Queen." Ethan faked a bow.

"It gets better and better." I cheered.

"Would you like to go the park and walk the gardens?" Darius offered.

"Sounds perfect." I accepted.

We walked around the gardens that were carefully tended. The weeping willows hugged the walkways. Ornate orchids and lilies lay in beds of complimenting colors. There were white iron benches and oversized fountains in each little square, at every corner of the park.

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