Girl Talk

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***Aubrey's POV***

They were right, shopping among besties is the best shit ever. Our personalities compliment each other so well. I never thought that eight people could get along like we do. I'm blessed.

"You were right." I beamed.

"Gonna have to say that louder Aubear." Luce grinned.

"You mother fucker's need Jesus." I laughed.

We had shopped for a few hours already. The ladies wanted to buy our dresses for the Ceremony, jewelry and shoes.

I couldn't find any jewelry I liked. I'm hard to shop for. I never think anything looks good on me. It's not that I'm self conscious, it's just that I have moments where I over analyze. It's just who I am.

"Aubrey, aren't you gonna pick out a necklace, earrings and a bracelet for the Luna ceremony?" Bryan asked.

"It's not my thing." I shrugged.

"Are you sure you're a woman?" Ethan laughed.

"Last time I checked, I was." I deadpanned.

"Parvulus, why don't you head to the cellphone store. I will be right there." Darius directed.

"I will take her." Ethan offered.

"Let's go!" He grabbed my hand.

We got to the store and I was overwhelmed. So many choices. I have only had the flip phones before and these were way more technology than I was prepared to endeavor.

"Don't you have any idea what you want?" Ethan asked.

"Not really, I'm used to the flip phones." I admitted.

"That's so two thousand and late." Ethan groaned.

"You pick out one for me then, I just want to be able to contact people." I submitted.

"We all have the latest IPhone, all of us. It would be best if you had the same thing so you can see all our emojis and Animoji's." Ethan explained.

"What's an Animoji?" I asked.

"Here take my phone." Ethan hands me his phone and shows me all kinds of cool shit that I didn't even know was possible.

"OMG, this is gonna be so fantastic!" I squealed.

"Ok, your getting the IPhone 11. What color, Aubear." Ethan questions.

"What are the choices?" I ask. Who knew phone shopping was harder than dress shopping?

After a hour of staring at phones, colors, chargers, cases and head phones, we finally picked what I needed.

"Baby, did you pick one out?" Darius asked as he intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah, Ethan is getting the sales person to gather everything." I stated.

"I will be right back, my love. I'm going to go pay for it." He explained as he headed to the register.

I walked back to where the rest of my friends were at.

"What did you pick?" Abi asked.

"Ethan says it's an IPhone 11. It's purple." I smiled.

"OMG, just wait till you see the graphics. It takes amazing photos and videos." Claire gushed.

"That will come in handy when you have a baby." Luce winked.

***Luce POV***

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