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***Darius POV***

"BLOOD!" I whisper as I unveil the massive red puddle that has pooled between Aubrey's legs.

"Everyone move! Alpha get to the head of Aubrey's bed. Try to wake her." Dr. Christy starts yelling orders.

"Aubrey, baby. Please wake up. The babies need you. I need you." I beg the love of my life to come to.

My eyes are burning with tears as fear fills my spirit.

"Let me try." Ultor demands.

"Okay." I agree.

"Amare, sweetheart. You have to get Aubrey ready. The babies are in danger. Please, baby. Please." Ultor pleads.

"Okay." Amare whimpers.

I continuously try to rouse my sleeping mate.

"Give her oxygen. Alpha, if we can't wake her I will have to perform a cesarean." Dr. Christy warns.

"I don't care what we have to do. Save her and my pups. Please." I cry out.

Jackson walks over and starts whispering in Aubrey's ear. I can't hear but, I can't even concentrate. Adrenaline is causing my head to pound.

"Calm down Alpha." Claire encourages me as she rubs circles on my lower back.

"Please parvulus. Please." I beg over and over.

"I'm calling Persephone." Bryan announces.

I nod my head.

The hospital staff is in full throttle mode. Nurses are dancing around filling needles and changing settings on machines. Dr. Christy is seated between Aubrey's legs. Another tech is reading charts and one is administering an ultrasound.

"The babies are fine Alpha. They are just wanting out." Dr. Christy relieves a little of my worry.

"I need someone to give blood. Just sit down in that chair. We are going to do a direct transfusion. Everybody else willing, get ready to have your blood drawn." Dr. Christy is dominant and every one of my friends gets in a chair. Abi cant due to being pregnant so she takes Jackson's place encouraging Aubrey.

Jackson gets hooked up to transfer his blood from his artery directly into Aubrey's vein.

The door opens and in glides my creator.

"Persephone, help." I whimper.

Persephone hurries to Aubrey's side and takes her hand. She whispers prayers over my beloved.

Dr. Christy stops all Aubrey's pain meds and administers a large does of Pitocin. The pain should start soon and Aubrey may wake up.

An hour passes in pure contained chaos.

I stand by and watch in silence.

Out of nowhere, a pained cry pierced the air and my heart thuds to a standstill.

I look over and see Aubrey jolt up and grab her stomach.

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