»You're the expert« {Ben}

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• summary: Ben and Reader are young teens and close friends

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• summary: Ben and Reader are young teens and close friends. She fell in love with the guy who's very experienced in kissing and sex, while she is an innocent girl. The reader asks Ben for help and if he would teach her how to kiss properly.

• warnings: none; just pure fluff


"Ben, I need your help" Ben closes his locker then turns to look at you, holding a bunch of books in his hands. "What is it?" "You know Sam, right?" "Mhm" Ben starts to walk off and you follow him to his next classroom. "And I was wondering if you could help me with something" "Just spit it out already, (Y/N)" Ben chuckles and looks at you for a moment. You take a deep breath, scared to feel embarrassed in a short moment. "I was wondering, because you're my bestest best friend, if you could help me how to kiss properly" Ben stops immediately and stares off into nowhere. "Alright, see you at mine then" You smile awkwardly and jog off to your own classroom, leaving Ben in the middle of the hallway.


You're sitting on your bed while you wait for a message from Ben, saying that he's there. But there was still no message.

Sorry, my dad held
me up
I'm on my way should
be there in 10

Hurry up, Benjamin!

You let out a sigh and lie back in your bed, staring at the ceiling until you heard another notification sound coming from your phone.

Open your door

You can ring, Benny

You chuckle shortly, get off your bed and downstairs to open the door for him. "You're an idiot" You laugh and take his hand to drag him inside, past your parents. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N)" Ben greets them and you close the door to your room immediately after you got in.
"Sooo..." Ben says, putting his hands in his pockets. He starts to bite his lower lip, keeping his eyes on the floor. "You're the expert" You say and get nervous yourself. It wouldn't be your first kiss, you just thought you weren't that good in it and sat down on your bed, Ben following right after. „Give me your hand" He says and you do so, feeling his soft touch. Little did you know that this moment was very special for Ben. So many different thoughts crossed his mind and his heart was racing like never before. He had feelings for you since you first met in High School but he was always too scared to tell you, especially because of your crush on Sam. Ugh, Sam. How he hated that guy. Sam was the typical High School Jock, adding the little whore-energy. He had a new girlfriend almost every week, sometimes longer. It really depended on the girl, if she was still interesting to him, if the sex was still as exciting as in the beginning. And if that wasn't the case, he'd drop the girl right away. Ben has no idea why you would want someone like Sam. He was scared that you would get deeply hurt and- "Ben?" You bring him back to reality, still holding his hand. "Uhm, sorry" He closes his eyes for a moment, shaking his head lightly to get rid of the many thoughts. In the end, he was your best friend and he wanted to help you. „Okay, just imitate what I'm doing" You nod at his words and he places your hand at his cheek. He gets closer slowly and closes his eyes. As his lips meet yours, everything inside Ben starts turning. His head, his stomach and even his heart. It's like your both lips were made for each other and your both's movements get along quickly. Ben was irritated at your words from earlier, that you needed help for this. He thought you were his best kiss and the situation made his heart race but also break. You get both of your hands in his hair, feeling the pressure between your legs build up and press them together tightly. He really doesn't want to end this but his lips back off from yours. You both feel like you're missing on air, aching for it but it was just the kisses from one another. Ben stares into your eyes, breathing heavily just like you. "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" You both whisper. "You don't need to worry about anything... He will enjoy it" Ben tries to bring a smile on his face and you do the same. "Really?" Ben nods but deep inside you didn't want Sam anymore. All you wanted was Ben.


Woohoo first One Shot.💫
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