»Naughty or Nice« {Ben}

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• summary: The Reader and Ben set up their Christmas decoration

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• summary: The Reader and Ben set up their Christmas decoration.

• warnings: smut; oral sex, female receiving; unsafe sex!


"Ben!" You call for your boyfriend, struggling to get the chain of lights in its place. "Coming!" He comes downstairs, smiling at the view; you standing on a stool, your arms up high, trying to fix the lights. "Don't laugh, help me" You chuckle and Ben gets closer, easily fixing the chain. "That looks great" He gives your cheek a kiss, helping you get down off the stool. "Thank you" He wraps his arms around your shoulders, holding you close, eyes focused on the lights. "Ben?" "Hm?" "I bet you can't tie me to the bed with the Christmas lights" Ben looks into your eyes, his pupils already grew, probably thinking about you tied to the bed, completely under his control. "You're so gonna end up on the naughty list tonight" Your boyfriend says with a low and raspy voice, getting closer to your lips, only inches away. His lips connect with yours, making it a rough and fast kiss. Ben's hand reaches for another chain of lights in the box you have for all the Christmas decoration, taking your hand in his other, dragging you upstairs to your shared bedroom. He places the lights on the bed, starting to undress each other while continuing with the kisses. "On the bed" He breathes against your lips, pushing you gently to the comfortable furniture. You lay down on your back, close to the headboard. Ben climbs on top of you, grabbing the lights and starting to tie your hands at the bed. Your chest raises rapidly from the heavy breathing, watching your boyfriends face carefully while he concentrates on not breaking the lights. "Light them up" You say but it's almost a whisper. Ben smirks, plugging in the jack and the chain lights up in wonderful colours - blue, green, yellow and purple. Ben sits back, eyeing you from head to toe - only in your underwear. He leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips then kissing down your body slowly, leaving sloppy and wet ones between your breasts and on your stomach, sucking gently to leave a mark close to your hipbone. You hiss lightly, pushing up your hips but Ben presses you back into the mattress with one hand. "So needy, aren't you?" You nod while you focus your eyes on Ben, who grabbed your panties and pulled them down slowly. While he throws it aside you ankle your legs, spreading them slowly for him. Ben takes a deep breath as he watches your throbbing core, all ready for him to be inside you. He licks his plump lips while he gets closer to you, holding two of his fingers against your lips. "Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me" He smirks, watching you dearly as you take his fingers in your mouth, running your tongue around them. "Good girl" He compliments you, kissing your forehead while he gets his hand down, placing his fingers on your clit. You hiss, raising your hips and pull gently at the light chain. "Gosh, you're so wet for me, baby" Ben moves his fingers in little circles, running them through your folds to cover them with your wetness, drawing circles on your clit again. "Fuck" You moan, spreading your legs even more. "I need you, Ben" "Patience, babygirl" He breathes out against your lips, kissing them softly and getting down between your legs. He gets his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean while looking into your eyes. Ben grabs your thighs, holding them tight, placing a soft kiss on your most sensitive spot. "Please!" You moan, closing your head and leaning your head against the headboard, pulling tighter on the chain of lights. "What do you need, (Y/N)? I want you to tell me" "I need you inside me" "Like this?" Ben enters you with two fingers, moving them in and out slowly. "Yes!" You moan louder, raising your hips and moving them in small circles. "I need you to stay still, baby" Ben demands, taking his fingers back again. You hiss, looking down at your boyfriend who's cheeks turned pink and you were sure that he was already hard. "Now, if you stay still, I will do whatever you fancy" He kisses your inner thigh softly, licking your skin gently until he reached your core again, sucking on your clit. His name escapes your lips as a moan, sweat starts running down your bare chest. "This is so good" You add moaning. He eats you out like you were a goddess, holding your thighs harshly so you would hold still, entering you with his tongue every now and then. You watch your boyfriend grinding against the mattress to get at least a bit of release, moaning against you. It leaves a vibrating feeling, sending shivers down your spine, getting you closer to your orgasm. "I'm gonna cum" You moan, pulling the chain, afraid of ripping it apart. "I don't care how good it feels, you better not cum until I tell you to" You bite your lower lip, closing your eyes. Ben enters you with three fingers, curling them up and moving them at a fast speed. "You take my fingers so well, don't you?" "Yes, Ben, I do" You moan his name again, knowing just how much he loves it. He grunts against your clit, sucking it harshly. Ben looks at you only with his eyes, licking over your sensitive spot. "Cum for me, Baby" He moves his fingers faster, hitting your g-spot constantly as he curled them again, continuing to suck on your clit. Your walls clench around his thick fingers, your hands pull tighter on the light chain, desperate to touch him and you weren't sure but could've bet that they broke now. Ben moves his fingers gently throughout your whole orgasm, kissing your lower abdomen gently. "You're such a good girl" He compliments you, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean again. You breath heavily, sweat running down your forehead. Ben sits up, untying you from the light chain and chuckling lightly. "You almost ripped it apart" You blush, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. He kisses your neck gently as you wrap your leg around him. Ben kisses you deeply, pulling you closer as he entered you slowly. He hisses in your ear, moving slowly once you got used to his length. "Fuck" "I love you so much" Ben moans against your lips, kissing you again. He starts moving faster, holding himself up at the headboard. You dig your nails in his back, running your hands down, leaving dark red scratches. He growls deeply, getting deeper and faster. Ben takes your right nipple in his mouth, sucking it gently. You get one of your hands in his blonde curls, pulling as he was giving you the right pleasure. It doesn't take you much longer to feel your second orgasm approaching, telling Ben about it softly. "I'm close too" He grunts, holding you closer than before. "I love you so much" You feel Ben's shaft twitch lightly and soon after his cum shooting inside you, covering your walls with his white liquid. He moans deeply in your ear, moving his hips slowly to ride out his orgasm, making you cum shortly after, tightening your walls around him. "I love you too" You say with an exhausted voice after you caught your breath. "Merry Christmas" Ben  chuckles with a smile, kissing your cheek gently. "Merry Christmas"


Okay, so I really liked this one, feels like I'm getting better at these hahah
I hope you liked it, have wonderful holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates it.❤️

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