»Netflix and Chill« {Ben}

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• summary: The Reader and Ben have their first Netflix & Chill experience together

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• summary: The Reader and Ben have their first Netflix & Chill experience together.

• warnings: smut; oral sex, male receiving


Ben wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer into his side as you were scrolling through your watch list on Netflix. "What about that?" You ask, stopping at a rather boring sounding show but you always wanted to give things a chance. Ben just shrugged, keeping his eyes on the tv screen. You click the play button and set the remote down on your nightstand, cuddling more into your boyfriend's chest. His index finger draws little circles on your shoulder blade, covering your - in his opinion softest - skin with goosebumps. "Are you cold?" He asks, rubbing your upper arm gently. "No, no. I'm fine" Ben smiles at you, kissing the top of your head before turning his back to the screen. Your hand gently pets his side, slowly getting it underneath the fabric of his striped shirt. You feel Ben shiver for a brief moment, making you smile at the effect you have on him. Soon your whole attention is on your boyfriend, gently petting his upper body, getting in the middle of his torso, still underneath the shirt. Ben shifts, getting his hand underneath the blanket. "Shit" He mumbles so quiet you barely hear it and presses his lips on yours harshly, letting his tongue slide into your mouth almost immediately. His hand that rests on your upper arm holds you tight while the other one is holding your neck up. You breath deeply, tightening your grip on his side, running it down to his sweatpants shortly after. Ben has to take a deep breath, moaning lightly into the kiss as you started to rub him over the fabric. He already had a hard-on. You smirk at him after you broke the kiss for a moment, looking into his green eyes. "Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me" "Shut up and take your pants off" You breathe out against his lips, taking the lower one between your teeth, pulling gently before letting it snap back again. Ben does as he was told, pushing the blanket away and taking his pants off shortly after. His bulge is pressing against his briefs, his muscles on his legs tensed. You sit up, motioning to get on your knees between his legs. Ben takes off his shirt, resting his back against the headboard while your fingertips run down his torso to the hem of his briefs. Ben takes a deep breath, cupping your cheek with his right hand. "You look so beautiful between my legs" You blush lightly, leaning forward to give his rough lips a kiss. Ben bites it gently as he watches you getting your hair in a messy ponytail. You get your fingertips back to the hem of his briefs, pulling it down as far as possible, Ben helping you with raising his hips which almost pushes his length into your face after it sprung out, slapping against his lower abdomen. You wrap your hand around it carefully, running it up and down slowly. Ben lets out soft moans, never taking his eyes off yours but closing them shortly as you put more pressure on his shaft. "Fuck" He breathes out and leans his head back, resting it on the edge of your shared bed's headboard. You place a soft kiss on his collarbone, kissing down his torso, repositioning yourself between his legs to take his tip in your mouth, your tongue carefully running over it to taste his precum. Ben's hand finds your hair, taking your ponytail into it. "I love you so much" He moans, looking back down on you. While you take the half of him in your mouth, supporting the rest with your hand, you look up at him, driving him absolutely insane with the way you look. You move your head up and down slowly, taking more of him with every move. "Yeah, that's it baby, just like that" Ben breathes, his head resting against the headboard again and his eyes closed. His cheeks turned into a slight pink colour and his forehead was already covered with his sweat. He looks so good when you give him the pleasure just how he needs it, turning him into a vulnerable and moaning mess underneath you. You were never really into giving a guy a blowjob but with Ben you were always up for it. You love this man with all you have and are, he gives you so much so why not give it back to him?
You close your eyes to concentrate on your movements and fasten up your speed. "Shit, (Y/N)" Bens grip tightens and he pulls your hair, moving your head up and down. You put your hands on his legs, pressing them to keep you steady as you got faster and deeper. His length hits the back of your throat, making you let out some gag sounds and filling your eyes with tears. Ben's muscles tense up more and he hisses, pulling on your hair and raising his hips lightly. "Fuck, I'm so close (Y/N)" He moans, continuing to move his hips up and down just like your head. It doesn't take much longer and Ben's cum runs down your throat, covering your tongue with it. You take all of him and even gulp, cleaning him up with your tongue. Ben is breathing heavily, pulling you up to his chest. "Did you just swallow?" You nod, biting your lip to hide your smile as you start blushing. "God, I love you so much" Ben places a passionate and intense kiss on your lips, holding you close against his naked body. As Ben's head moves to get a glimpse at the tv screen, he chuckles lightly. The black with white font screen popped up at some point, asking if you were still watching. You completely forgot about the tv show you put on and chuckle as well.


Oh my god I'm so sorry if there was anything wrong the only things I learned about giving head were from Wattpad hahah

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