»A proper job« {Billy}

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• summary: The Reader finds out about the way Billy gets the money to pay all their bills

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• summary: The Reader finds out about the way Billy gets the money to pay all their bills.

• warnings: idk kinda sad because sad Billy?


You're sitting in your single room apartment that you share with your longtime boyfriend Billy, who is out again working. Your (Y/E/C) eyes are focused on the pregnancy test you are holding, candles alight around you to not waste any money on electricity, while you wait for Billy to come home and as if he heard your inner call, the front door opens. "I'm home" Billy's voice echoes through the living room part but he walks off into the bathroom immediately. "Great, I missed you" You put the test down on the little coffee table that seems to break down any moment and get up to walk to the bathroom but Billy closed the door shut as he noticed you. Was that blood? You thought, knocking at the door gently. "Billy, are you alright?" You ask with obvious worry. "Yeah, just wait for me in the living room" You nod lightly, leaving the door after a moment. You wait impatiently for your boyfriend. Worried about his condition and impatient about the news you have to tell him. You thought about how you would tell him throughout the whole day, preparing a little speech and even prepared for a breakup. You know for sure that you want to keep this baby, no matter what. "Hey" Billy mumbles, sitting down next to you on the little couch, his face turned aside and his eyes focused on the screen of his phone. "How was your day?" You put your hand on his ankled knee, looking for any blood on his face. "Was okay. What about you?" Billy still doesn't look at you, scrolling through instagram while he tried to not make you see his bruises. "Same..." You sigh, removing your hand. At the loss of your touch, Billy uncontrollably moves his head to the spot where your hand was at. "Oh my god, Billy! What happened?" You take his cheeks in your hands carefully, checking the cuts on his face and his bruised eye. "Let me clean this up properly" You get off the couch to grab all the first aid things you need, not listening to Billy telling you that he was fine. "This might burn" You say before you start to clean his wounds with sanitiser. Billy hisses, closing his eyes at the burning sensation but he opens them again to look into your eyes. "How did that happen?" You ask with a low voice, checking everywhere for other wounds or cuts to clean them as well. "I fell..." "From where?" He tells you about the building, how he fell out of the window of the 3rd floor. "How did that happen?" "I was... caught in a fight" You look into his eyes, stopping in your movements. "Why that?" "I can't tell you..." "Billy, please" You demand and take his bruised hand in yours. "Maybe... Maybe I lied to you" Billy takes deep breaths, avoiding any eye contact with you. "About my job... I was dying inside because of the constant lies, but I felt like there was no other way for me to pay our bills" "It's okay" You say in a calm tone, holding him close while listening to him. "I burgled into wealthy people's houses, taking their value things they worked their asses off for so only I could give you the life you deserve but I still fail" He bursts out, tears running down his red and bruised cheeks. You immediately wipe them away, cupping his cheeks. "I am so sorry, I'm such a horrible person" "No, Billy. Don't say that, please..." "You're not angry?" "I am... but only because you didn't tell me earlier... You should know that I would never judge you for anything, that I would always be there to help you" Billy's eyes shot up to look into yours, his hands grab your waist carefully. "Also..." You take a deep breath, hoping that this would be the right moment to tell him. "It would be better if you check for a proper job, something legal" "I don't know if I can" "You can... For us" You take his hand, placing it down on your stomach. Billy's eyebrows furrow, looking down on his hand. "What do you- No way" You reach for the pregnancy test that was still lying on the coffee table, showing him the two pink stripes that stand for positive. "Does that mean-... You are-..." "You're going to be a father, Billy" You smile lightly, still scared that he would leave you because this was anything but planned. You're not even sure when it actually happened. Maybe the condom broke, maybe your pill didn't work or you forgot it. It could be anything, but that doesn't matter. The greatest wonder is growing inside of you, filling you with joy and love. Billy wraps his arms around you tight, crying into your shoulder. "We're going to be parents" He chokes out, kissing you passionately. Suddenly, Billy gets up, walking up to the kitchen isle and grabbing the newspaper that you usually used for wrapping up the skin of a potato or similar, never actually reading it, out of a box. "What are you doing?" "Looking for a proper job" He smiles at you, focusing his eyes back on the newspaper. You get up slowly, wrapping your arms around his torso from behind, kissing his shoulder blade softly. "Do that tomorrow? I want to celebrate" You smile and Billy turns around, picking you up to sit you down on the counter. He buries his head back at your neck, breathing in your scent while his arms are wrapped around you. "No more secrets, okay?" Your voice is low but still loud enough for him to hear it. Your hands find their way in his hair, grabbing it gently. "No more secrets, I promise"
You stay there for quite some time until:
"Wait, we can still have sex, right?"


Billy is back! xx
Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates it and wonderful holidays💫

(The gif doesn't really fit but that's how bruised I imagined him for this)

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