»In a heartbeat« {Roger}

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• summary: Roger ends up in the hospital after a serious car crash

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• summary: Roger ends up in the hospital after a serious car crash. When his best friend, the reader, pays him a visit, things take a turn.

• warnings: none; fluff


"Roger!" You exclaim as you entered his room, rushing to his bedside and taking his hand in yours carefully.

Beep... Beep... Beep

"Hey, (Y/N)" Roger answers with a cracking and low voice, making you shush him. "I heard about the crash..." You gently let your thumb run over the back of his bruised hand.

Beep.. Beep.. Beep

"And came here immediately" "You didn't need to, really" "I just needed to see you... When I heard about it I was scared to the bone that something really bad happened to you... Gosh, I had to come to make sure you're still alive... I was so scared to lose you Rog, I couldn't live without you" Tears start to run down your rosy cheeks and Roger raises his hand to wipe them away. You lay your hand on his so he would keep it on your skin. Your eyes closed at his touch and you take deep breaths.

BeepBeep.. BeepBeep..

You open your eyes at the sound of the heart-rate monitor, scared that you're hurting him someway and take his hand back. You press your lips together at the loss of his touch just like Roger does. "I couldn't live without you either" Roger admits and now you focus your eyes on him.

BeepBeepBeep.. BeepBeepBeep

He smiles tiredly at you, pressing your hand lightly. "Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" "I got all I need" Roger keeps on looking into your eyes, his heartbeat raising a bit more.

You never knew but Roger always had feelings for you, still scared to admit it and tell you. While you on the other hand talked to Brian sometimes, telling him how you feel about his bandmate and him constantly telling you to give it a go and trust him.

"Roger, I need to tell you something" "Yes?" He shot and you take a deep breath. "This event just made it clear to me that I need to tell you this before it's too late..." You look down on your both's hands, just realising that at some point your fingers intertwined. "Okay, I'll just drop it... I like you, Rog... Like, really like you"


"I really like you too"


sigh, this was better in my head...

Ben Hardy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now