»Camping Trip« {Ben}

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• summary: The Reader and Ben go out on a little camping trip but soon Ben is quite bored of the whole situation, being out in the woods until he comes up with an idea

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• summary: The Reader and Ben go out on a little camping trip but soon Ben is quite bored of the whole situation, being out in the woods until he comes up with an idea.

• warnings: smut; sex; oral sex, female receiving


Ben just came back from getting more wood for the little campfire you two set up, carefully throwing some pieces in the flames while you were seated in one of the two camping stools. You watch your boyfriend with a grin, snuggled up in one of his (way too large) hoodies, while he gets down on one knee. "This should do for now" He flashes you a smile and takes a seat in the stool next to you, wrapping his strong arm around your shoulders. "Are you warm? Do you need a blanket?" "I'm fine" You smile at him and he kisses the tip of your nose. You both focus your eyes on the fire, feeling Ben's glance on you sometimes. "You know what the best thing to do is while camping?" "What?" You turn your head, your eyes immediately locking with the green ones of your boyfriend. He gets closer, his forehead resting on yours. "Sex" Suddenly you feel a huge knot in your throat, which you try to get rid off with a gulp. Ben smirks at the reaction he got from you and places a soft kiss on your lips. He gently sucks and bites on your lower lip, causing a little moan to escape from your mouth. The pressure between your legs starts growing with just the thought of Ben making sweet love to you in the small tent. You press your legs together as an attempt to get at least a bit of release. Ben places his hand on your thigh, slowly moving it between your legs. He presses his index and middle finger against your clothed folds, his lips moving from your now plump lips to your jawline and down to your neck. You move your head so Ben has better access to kiss and suck the skin, his fingers starting to massage you between your legs. "Maybe we should finish this in the tent" Ben moans against your wet and with hickeys covered skin, giving him a short but hectic nod at his words. He removes his hand, gets off his stool and walks over to the tent, opening the zip at the fabric door. You follow right afterwards when you caught your breath a bit. Ben lets you in first, closing the fabric door again while you took off your hoodie. "Hey, did I allow you to get undressed?" Ben looks into your eyes, towering over you which causes you to sink deeper into the pillow. You loved his dominant side, especially in between the sheets. His pupils grew, showing you just how lustful he was right in that moment. Ben places one hand on your waist while he holds himself up with the other one. His lips meet yours, but only for a short moment. He starts kissing down your body - leaving marks on your collarbone, on your breast and stomach. His fingers gently hook into the hem of your sweats, pulling them down in one go, with his lips always on your goosebumps covered skin. His hands gently run your legs up and down, finally but slowly pulling down your panties. Ben glances up at you. Gosh, he looked so good between your legs with his dark eyes, rosy cheeks and plump lips from all the kissing. Before he continues anything, he takes off his shirt, knowing how much you and him loved the feeling of skin on skin. He comes down, leaving another soft kiss on the sore skin of your collarbone. "You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up" Ben breathes out, eyeing you up and down, taking in the view and all the hickeys he left. He positions himself between your legs again, softly kissing your inner thigh. You loved his gentle kisses so much and since he found out that you, especially, love them on your body he always made sure to leave several. Ben wraps his strong arms around your thighs from below, holding them up a bit. "Shit, (Y/N), I didn't do much and you're already soaking wet" Without a warning, his lips meet your clit softly, causing you to moan and close your eyes. Your hands grab his blonde locks and gently pull at them, making Ben groan between your legs. His fingers dig into the flesh of your legs while his tongue draws little circles at your entrance. He lets his tongue run between your wet folds until he enters you with it but not for long. He continues to focus more on your most sensitive spots and his groans vibrate against your skin. You open your eyes and look down at him. The way his head was placed between your legs, his hands that were grabbing your thighs tightly probably left another mark and just when Ben looked up with only his eyes, locking instantly with yours, you felt your orgasm rushing through your whole body, holding up your waist so he would be even closer. Your head was thrown back again, your eyes closed with your hands still in his hair while you enjoy this intense high. "Ben" You moan softly and he doesn't stop eating you out so you could enjoy it till the very end. His lips meet your inner thigh shortly, climbing up to press his lips on yours. You taste the cigarettes he smoked earlier and also yourself. "You're such a good girl" He groans against your parted lips and gets back on his knees, pulling down his sweats and boxers, revealing his hard length. While Ben reaches for a condom in his bag, he pumps himself and rolls the latex over his member. You lick your lips at the view and reach behind your back to open your bra and throw it aside. Ben positions himself between your legs again, kissing your breast gently while he enters you slowly. Even though you already had sex several times, his length was always something to get used to in the beginning and he gives you all the time you need until you nod, showing him that you were ready. Ben places one hand on your waist, holding it up so he could get deeper and he starts moving fast. You wrap your arms around his neck as he rested his forehead against yours, moaning against each other's lips. What Ben loved to do while in the act: looking into your eyes. He loves them the most about you and looking into them turned him on even more. It was just so intense. Ben suddenly grabs your left leg and throws it over his shoulder, getting even deeper than before. "Fuck, you're so tight" He moans and you wrap your right arm around his torso, digging your nails in his back. "Ben- I'm-" You whimper and close your eyes, Ben's movements become rougher and his lips connect with your thigh. You both cum almost at the same time and Ben holds you close, wrapping an arm around your back and placing his forehead on yours after he removed your leg from his shoulder. "I love you" He breaths heavily and looks into your eyes. "I love you" You share a soft kiss and Ben pulls out slowly. You let out a light whimper as you felt empty again, taking deep breaths. Ben rolls off the condom, tying a knot in it and throws it in the little rubbish bag you placed in your tent for tissues or similar. Ben lays back down next to you, throwing the blanket over you both. His strong arms hold you close as you laid down on his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat.


Wow that ending was shit, or the act in general. Like I said, this was my first serious smut and I have no clue of what is happening in such an act.

But I still hope you liked it a bit x

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