Hayleigh's Dad

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Braedon's POV

Her dad is going to be here in a minute, walking around the house, helping them make the table. I met Gabriella and her boyfriend, I was nervous to meet them but I got over it as they were nice and her sister was actually ok and seemed that she likes me.

"Hayleigh, doesn't your dad know about the fight I had a school, what if he kills me." I said pulling her back as we were walking into the living room.

"He won't. I have to change, dad won't like me wearing this." She walked to the stairs, I followed behind her. "I didn't know I gained a puppy."

"Just walk."

We got into her room and I laid stomach down on the bed with my face on the pillows. Hayleigh was in the closet changing. She walked out and went out of the bedroom door to the beauty room, I quickly followed behind her.

"Can you hide the bruising, so if your dad doesn't know he won't ask any questions." I sat on the chair next to her. She was putting her hair up and laughed. She got out different coloured creams and a brush. "I didn't say face paint."

"It's colour correcting." She pulled my head to her face and started adding the different colours on my face. I couldn't get this out of my head, I'm meeting her dad for the first time, hiding bruises with makeup and now I have to make a good impression.

"Don't worry, my sister has a thing for talking all the time, he will only give you death stares."

We walked to the door and I stopped, I got scared and nervous, how am I going to make this man like me, I hope in the long run he doesn't find out I slept with his daughter before knowing her and that we are actually not together. Braedon get your act together.

Third person

"Hey dad." Hayleigh and Gabriella said as they stood up and walked to their dad walking into the house. Thomas and Braedon was sat on the couch, Braedon in his head was conflicting if he should just walk out the house and let this be a bad dream.

"Hi darling." He hugged them back and kissed them on the head, Braedon was sweating even more knowing that it going to get worse than better.

"Hey Thomas." He said looking over, Braedon didn't make eye contact.

"Dad, this is Briellah's cousin remember him, you never met him but he moved with his dad, step mum and siblings some months ago, we met at Briellah's and we got close. I help him study at school." Hayleigh's dad looking intensely at the boy sitting on the couch, Braedon stood up and made the first eye contact and quickly looked at the floor.

"Oh, yes, Briellah's parents was talking about his dad and everything before we moved to California. It is nice to meet you young man." He walked over to the boy and shook his hand. Braedon in his head was thinking this is good.

"Dad sit down." Gabriella pushed her dad to the other couch. Hayleigh moved and sat next to Braedon, braedon was fidgiting with his fingers and looked at her when she sat next to him.

"You did good." She put her thumb up in front of him. Braedon moved closely.

"Can't wait till you have to do what I say."

"Lets just listen to Gabriella talks about for the rest of the night." We laughed and turned to everyone they were mumbling and chatting.


It was later in the night, they had eaten, now they was sat in the living room talking, most of the night had been about Gabriella talking about her live in Texas and her job which made Braedon ease and less nervous as the attention wasn't on her.

Braedon's POV

Its is nearly over, over. I then can go home. I told my dad to pick me up at the end of the road so he doesn't know that it is Hayleigh's house.

"Braedon, what are you thinking about doing after school?" The time of reckoning, for the next 30 minutes before my dad comes, I have to answer the questions.

"Uhm, I thinking about collage in Colorado, or just get an internship at the finance building in L.A." I was making sure that I didnt stutter or mess up my words. Hayleigh's hand was on my back tapping me. I looked at her and smiled.

"That's a great choice. How long have you have been interested in Finance?" He asked me, he looked interested, I must have made the right first meeting.

"I don't know, my dad was a broker years ago before I was born and he quit when I was 2 years old, and I also like I.T so that is also what I am interested in." I took a sip of the water Hayleigh handed me and then looked happy that I have answer something that he is happy with.

"It was nice meeting you, I hope to see you again." Hayleigh's dad smiled and shook my hand. I said thank you back and then walked out of the door. Hayleigh behind me. "Come straight back home."

We walked down the driveway. "He liked you. Are you really wanting to do finance."

"Is that bad?" I was concerned if she hated someone that did work like that.

"Earn lots of money, your future girlfriend or wife will love you." We both laughed, she opened the gate and we turned left to go to the end of the street.

"Later you are coming to my house, it will be a different experience." I knew she couldn't disagree as she made a promise that she will do everything that I say.

"I can't back out because of the promise." She pushed me and we made it to my dad's car.

"Hi." Hayleigh said as I got in the car. My dad said hi back.

"Hope he didn't embarrass himself." My dad said I pushed him into the door, Hayleigh laughed and waved.

"Bye Braedon don't forget the papers for tomorrow."

"It's the weekend."

"We studying at the library."

I watched her walk up the street and around the corner, I had a smile on my face and my dad drove us away.

Hayleigh POV

"I hope he won't cause trouble." My dad said when I walked to the stairs.

"He won't. We are fine, we are studying in the library tomorrow." I walked up the stairs and into my room.

I am falling for him. When I shouldn't. Fall for him in two months, know him for two months.

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