6 ⚠️

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I was wide awake when the boys left. How could I not be, with two guys I just met already doing, you know! I sat up straight, being done with all the tossing and turning. Every single moment kept replaying in my head. From Minho's rude grasp to the gentle touch of his fingers. The was Felix wiped my tears away, the touch of his lips on my forehead, it was as if I could still feel them.

I checked my phone, but of course, no messages. Everyone else must already be fast asleep. I got out of bed and stood by the window, looking at the beautiful night sky with a thousand stars shining brightly upon me. A sudden movement outside made me flinch, quickly hide behind the curtains. I slowly peeked back, trying to see who it was.

In the middle of all the roses sat Minho, admiring them as he held one up, holding it up high to get the moonlights reflection on it. I became a bit flustered as he showed a soft smile. Even though I didn't know him very well, it was rare for him to show his emotions, or at least to others. I slowly walked away from the window, out of my room. If I was going to live here for the rest of my life, I at least had to try to get along with him, even though he still felt like an asshole. A rather confusing one though.

"Y/N? What are you doing up?" a voice called out, startling me. I quickly turned around, only to see Felix in his cute Pajamas, making me chuckle. He was confused at first, but quickly figured out why I was laughing. "Oh come on, really?" he said, slightly annoyed but still his smile wouldn't leave his face. "Sorry" I said as I finally stopped laughing, holding it back with all of my might.

"But really, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping, it's late!" I rubbed the nape of my neck. "I couldn't sleep" I said softly. I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the reason behind it. Felix smiled sympathetically. "It must be weird right? Suddenly being forced to marry someone you clearly don't want to marry, then being locked up in their house, if I were you I would've had at least ten mental breakdowns already."

I looked down. "I just wanted to make mom happy by going to the event, I never thought I'd actually get chosen... I just don't understand it, why would people want to marry if they don't even love each other? It's something I never understood, and now I have to..." My voice trailed off as a thousand thoughts came to mind, thoughts about the future, or if I even had one.

All of a sudden I could feel Felix wrap his arms around my back, pulling me closer to him. "It's going to be okay, I promise. I'll be here whenever you need me." I let my head rest on his torso, hesitantly wrapping my arms around his waist. He moved one hand to my head, gently stroking my hair. It felt as if time stopped at that exact moment. At least I wanted it to. For the first time in what seemed like forever I actually felt safe. He made me feel safe.

"Y/N?" he whispered softly, his voice so gentle. "Yeah?" I hummed, enjoying the peace. "I think we have a slight problem." I looked up, then back, seeing Minho right in front of us, utterly shocked. He just stood there without saying a word, so many emotions visible, yet none clear. I instantly let go of Felix, feeling guilt come up.

Minho turned around, walking away without saying a word. "Minho, wait!" I said, wanting to go after him but Felix grabbed my hand. "Let's leave him be, I'm pretty sure it's nothing." I shook my head. "I'm sorry Felix, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I pulled my hand out of his grip, running after Minho. Felix just stood there, watching with a defeated look on his face. "Goodnight Y/N" I heard him whisper before I was out of sight.

"Minho, wait!" I said once more as I saw him go around the corner. I quickly ran up to him, grabbing his arm. "Minho, it's not what it looks like! I couldn't sleep so I went out for a little walk when Felix came up to me, and when he noticed I wasn't feeling too well he hugged me to calm me down, that's all!" Minho scoffed. "Why are you even telling me this, should I care?"

I fell quiet for a second. "I just thought, since, well you know... I..." I tried to look for words, but couldn't find them. "What does it even matter? Go ahead and do whatever you want, that's what everyone does anyways!" His voice raised, but you could hear it break down. Without even thinking I hugged him right, my face leaning against his back, leaving Minho speechless. He just stood there for a while but completely broke down. He turned around, hugging me back tightly as he kept on crying.

I got it. He was having a hard time too. He didn't know how to deal with it either. And yes, he was awfully harsh, but deep down, I know there's good in him. He just needs someone he can trust. Right?

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now