28 ⚠️

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"Y.../N? What on earth are you doing here? I knew I heard a sound from down here" Felix asked, his eyes wide in shock. I instantly turned to him. "Lix, come quick! There's more evidence about Angelina, maybe we can finally figure out who it is!" Lix ran down the stairs as well, keeping his eyes on me. "Y/N... There's something I need to talk to you about" he started hesitantly. I briefly turned to him confused. "Right now? Can't it wait?" Felix instantly shook his head, placing his hands on the sides of my face.

"Y/N... It's about Minho. Do you still love him?" My breath stocked. I wanted to deny it. I wanted to scream out that I didn't. I wanted to, but I couldn't. Felix noticed, letting out a small sigh. "Y/N, even if you still like him, I don't care. I couldn't care about anything else anymore, so please go out with me. I'll make you fall all over for me, so I'm please give me a chance."

Before I could answer he pressed his lips against mine, making my eyes widen, until they fell on the fax again. I stumbled backwards, out of Felix's grip. "Felix, I don't get it" I stammered. "You told me you couldn't find Chan's cap after he was murdered, yet here it was. Now we've been searching for Angelina for weeks, so why were you together the day she disappeared? Felix, what are you hiding?"

Felix stayed quiet for a while, his tongue poking his cheek, his eyes looking to the photo on his side. "Felix... What on earth is going on?" I asked horrified. "You really shouldn't have come here Y/N" Felix sighed. He ran his hands through his hair. "Ugh, you weren't supposed to find out yet!" I walked further back, until I hit a book shelf behind me. "Lix, you can't be serious... This can't be true. Tell me it isn't true!" I shouted out, but Felix simply stayed quiet, walking up to me.

"I really wasn't planning on killing Chan, just so you know." He walked up again, locking the door behind him. "But then... Why..." I asked, tears streaming over my face. Felix walked up to me, making me even more horrified. He grabbed my arms, holding them tightly. "Felix, let me go!" I shouted, trying to fight my way out of his grip, but with no luck.

"I really did like him a lot, but it just wasn't fair that he got everything. You know, I really worked hard on earning respect, studying abroad and getting a place in the company! Chan should have just given me at least a part, I wouldn't have had to kill him then, but no, of course not." "So you killed him!?" I shouted, Felix once again rolling his eyes. "I had been sick of being pushed aside, but now I don't have to worry about it anymore! I only had to shake up Minho more for him to give it all up, he knew I did it anyways! He was smarter, although he did try to tell others about it... I guess he just never had the evidence" he said, somehow in a good mood already.

"I won't be pushed aside, I will be heard. I will get what I want, what I deserve" he sung, placing me on a chair, grabbing a red lace. "It's a song I used to listen to, I guess it inspired me! All these years I've been pushed aside, but after murdering Chan, I finally got some recognition! I guess I'll just have to work heard for what I want!" he chimed happily, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"You're crazy... Crazy!" Felix chuckled. "That hurts someone's feelings you know." I ignored it, continuing to think. "Then... What about Seungmin? Was any of it true? And what about Angelina? It was you all along wasn't it!" Felix laughed, continuing to tie me up on the chair. "Oh yeah, she's in the room besides this one, behind the bookshelf. It's pretty cool right, a secret room? She was just too smart, I couldn't have her figure me out. And don't worry about Seungmin. He really is twisted. He's just not the only one!" He said happily as he finished tying my hands behind my back.

"You know, at first I just wanted to get Minho to hand me over the company and all, maybe making him suffer too by using you, but..." He stopped for a moment, leaning in my ear with a smirk. "Right now, you've become more interesting than any of it." I turned my head away as far as possible. "How on earth did you even frame Seungmin for the murder than?" Felix laughed, actually looking proud. "It was a bit difficult, but I'll tell you later okay? I really should get going now, don't want the police to get suspicious."

He looked at the bookshelf, then back to me. "I don't really have time to get you back there" he sighed, grabbing a second lace and placing it over my mouth. "Be a good girl and wait for me here okay? I'll tell you all about it later!" He placed another kiss on my forehead, happily going out, turning off the light and once again leaving me in the dark.

If Minho knew all along, that I was also in danger, where on earth was he, and why wasn't he doing anything?

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now