26 ⚠️

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Frozen in my spot, unable to do anything but feel his his lips move against mine until he slowly moved away again. "Why...why did you do that?" I asked, still overtaken by shock. "I told you right? To shut you up" he said, returning back to normal again. "You've got to be kidding me. How could you do that? I just told you not to play with my feelings, yet here you are, kissing me like it's nothing! Do you really hate me that much now?" I lashed out.

"Yes, I hate you! I hate you more than anything!" he said back. My tears stopped flowing, every single feeling I had growing numb. Without saying another word I started walking away. It wasn't fair. If he already hated me this much, why would he kiss me? Why would he give me the tiniest shred of hope? He wasn't fair at all! Who cares about an interview anymore? There's no way I'm doing this, not if he really turned back to being such an asshole!

"Y/N, get back here" Minho shouted out in rage, but I couldn't care less anymore. I shouldn't have loved him from the start. I started running, away from him, away from what pained me so much. I didn't want him on my mind for now. I didn't want to feel sad because of him again. I couldn't care about him now, I'd just focus on Felix and Angelina.

I was exhausted when I got home again. I saw Felix's bike up front, so he had to be home. "Felix?" I called out, but there was no reply. "Lix?" I called out once more, still nothing. I looked around the entire mansion, but it seemed more empty than I had ever seen it before.

I went downstairs again, finally meeting Felix. "Lix, where have you been? I've been searching all over for you!" Without saying anything he hugged me, holding me tight. I instantly relaxed under his touch, finally feeling stress leave my body as well. Somehow he always knew how to make me feel better again. "Just let me stay like this for a while" he said slowly, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I hugged him tighter, nodding slowly.

He finally let go, trying his best to look cheerful again. "What about you? I thought you and Minho had an interview?" I looked down again, feeling tears already well up. "We fought... But I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind." Felix smiled sweetly, ruffling my hair. "Why don't we go up to your room? I'll tell you a bit about the updates and about Chan if you want to?" I instantly nodded, finally smiling again. "Thanks Lix, really."

Felix finally got his photo album out, sitting next to me on the bed. He opened it, showing the three boys altogether as kids, together with their parents. "We don't have all that many pictures together, but this one is my favorite. It's the only picture of all of us, we all kept one." Felix pointed at Chan. We all kept one in a special place. I kept mine in this album full of special memories, Minho's kept his in his old diary, and Chan kept it in a pocket he made in the cap he's wearing." I took a closer look at the picture, seeing Chan with a black cap with tiny rings in it. It was way too big for him back then, making him look even cuter.

"He must have liked it a lot, the hat" I said sweetly, staring at it for a bit longer. Felix nodded. "It was Minho and my birthday gift for him. He wore it every day... Sadly we never found it though after he got murdered, they think the murderer might have taken it with him as some sort of trophy... Maybe it's at Seungmin's house somewhere." I looked at the picture once more, now with a sad smile. "I hope they find it..."

My eyes widened. "Speaking of which, how did everything go?" I asked nervously. "They found Chan's fingerprints on the axe, along with Seungmin's and mine from this afternoon... They say the axe wasn't sufficient since the our fingerprints were only recent and they couldn't trace if he actually held it earlier, but he's being locked up for now for attempted murder, but it'll only be for a week or so." I let out a sigh. That meant Chan still didn't get justice...

"Then, what about Angelina? Did they find her yet?" Felix shook his head once again. "No... The wearhouse was completely empty apart from us two." Angelina... Worry took over again. "Then, what about his home? Is she there?" Felix shook his head once again. "They searched that too, but still nothing."

Felix noticed my long face, instantly taking me in his arms as we fell back. He lay my head down on his chest, closing his eyes. "we'll find her, don't worry. I promise." I closed my eyes as well, finally not noticing my worries as I focussed on his heartbeat, falling into a deep sleep.

"You idiot, you better be in here! I had to cancel the entire interview because of you again!" Minho yelled, furiously opening the door, only to find the girl asleep, tear stains still on her cheeks. He let out an annoyed groan, walking up to the window to close it. He had completely let himself go this evening. Why did he have to kiss her again? Why did he let his feelings get a hold of him? Why didn't he just say properly that he didn't hate her, but his feelings for her? He couldn't hate her even if he wanted to so desperately, so why did he have to ruin everything?

Yes, she had hurt him, maybe even more than ever. She was the first one he actually opened his heart to, the only one who he had ever loved, the only one he still loved. Why couldn't he just tell her his true feelings? Now he was completely losing her again, only bringing her in more danger. He had to put his pride aside for now, before she rested the same fate as his brother did.

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