15 ⚠️

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Minho instantly engulfed me in his arms as soon as everyone was out of sight. His hands were roaming around my body, making my breath slightly hitch. "What did Seungmin whisper to you?" he asked calmly, yet with his voice lower than usual. Don't worry, you and Minho have the house all to yourself tonight, make the most of it. How on earth could I tell him Seungmin said that? "It was nothing" was all I could say, unable to find a quick excuse.

Minho's hands went down to my hips, gripping them tightly, his head still buried in the crook of my neck. "Then why did you seem so flustered huh?" I could feel his hot breaths in my ear, sending shivers all over my spine. He lightly pushed me back against a wall. His arms were on each side of me, trapping me inbetween them, his burning gaze locked with mine, his head only inches away. My heart started pounding faster and faster.

"You sure seem to be popular baby" he growled, leaning in to suck on my neck, leaving a sweet purple mark. "Do I have to remind you who you belong to?" I tried to call out his name, but words wouldn't come out. I was completely under his control. Minho smashed his lips on mine, hungrily, possessively. Without even thinking I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, tugging his hair. He lifted my legs up, making me wrap them around his waist as he slowly took me to my bedroom.

He gently lay me down, leaning over me. "Y/N, I want you to be mine completely" he said, his eyes focussed on me. "Will you let me?"


I looked around me, hundreds of girls were crowding around the mansion, all hoping to get a fair shot. I sighed as I look up to the grey sky. "I'm sorry mom, but I'm not doing this" I said as I peaked at the back of the mansion. Seems like some peace and quiet! I found myself walking through the beautiful rose garden as I suddenly heard a loud crash. "This is crazy! You're telling me I'm supposed to marry one of those thousand girls out there? You've got to be kidding me!" an angry voice yelled.

I looked back and saw Minho walking in circles, clearly frustrated, his dad next to him. I knew it seemed too forced. His dad let out a sigh. "We've been through this, you're getting married, no arguing!" Minho punched the wall with all of his might and walked away from his father, but unfortunately enough towards me. I quickly tried to hide, but he already saw me. I looked at him in pity, but quickly put a few steps back when I saw the evil look in his eyes. "You will do" he said with a smirk on his face. I tried to get out of his grip, but his gaze became even more penetrating now. "Listen up, don't even try resist. From now on, you're mine."


I chuckled, remembering the first time we met. I really hated him at that moment didn't I? My mind wondered to all of our moments together, smiling back at each one of them.


"So, why me?" I asked him. "Simple, you were the first one I saw, what did you think?" I let out a sigh. "Nothing" I said slightly disappointed. I guess I'm really just his toy. "I'm going to the bathroom" I said in a monotone voice. I stood up without even looking at him and walked away.


We for one second looked at each other in confusion before his grumpy face came back. "Anyway, why are you out of your room?! I told you to stay in there!" he said agitated. Without saying a word, I turned back when Minho grabbed my hand. "Where are you going?" I scoffed. "To my room, since I don't want to be executed by you!" I pulled my hand out of his grip, walking back awfully annoyed.


"Minho, wait!" I said once more as I saw him go around the corner. I quickly ran up to him, grabbing his arm. "Minho, it's not what it looks like! I couldn't sleep so I went out for a little walk when Felix came up to me, and when he noticed I wasn't feeling too well he hugged me to calm me down, that's all!" Minho scoffed. "Why are you even telling me this, should I care?"

I fell quiet for a second. "I just thought, since, well you know... I..." I tried to look for words, but couldn't find them. "What does it even matter? Go ahead and do whatever you want, that's what everyone does anyways!" His voice raised, but you could hear it break down. Without even thinking I hugged him right, my face leaning against his back, leaving Minho speechless. He just stood there for a while but completely broke down. He turned around, hugging me back tightly as he kept on crying.


I simply stared at him, puzzled. "Minho, why on earth are you continuing this act? There's no one here besides us, so what's the point?" "What are you even talking about?" He asked confused. I let out a sigh in annoyance. "I heard you, at the hospital. I know you're just using me as some sort of toy for the media and I know it has something to do with Felix as well, or something like that."

Minho's confused gaze grew more and more. "Wait, you think I'm just using you?" He laughed a little, making me even more mad. "If not, than what on earth was that at the hospital!" He shut me up with a deep kiss. "The engagement was a show for the media, that's 100% true, but you think I'd actually cry out in your arms for show?"

"Than what about Felix? What was going on between the two of you?" Minho let out a sigh. "We just seriously don't get along. Frankly, I didn't want you to leave because I wanted you to stay with me, but I couldn't let Felix know that, he'd do anything to steal you away and make me miserable." My mind went blank.

"You're telling me that... you actually want to be with me?" As soon as he realized what he had said he turned away, cheeks tinting pink. "Just... Think about it okay? You're the only one who seems to get me, I really just want to be with you..." He looked at me again, slowly leaning in for another kiss. "No matter what, you can't tell Felix okay?" I nodded, melting into the kiss.


I finally nodded, pulling Minho closer again. "Please make me yours" I whispered. I'm sorry Felix, but I had made up my mind. Minho might have been acting like a jerk, but he cared so much. There was so much more to him that I wanted to find out, and the feeling he gave me was so warm. I really loved him, more than I could ever imagine.

I fell down exhausted after we finished, my whole body sweaty, aching. Minho simply lay next me, his head resting on his hand while looking at me with a wide smirk on his face. "You're beautiful you know?" he whispered, pushing a few strands out of my face. My cheeks heat up, finally processing what had just happened.

There was no turning back after this and I had no idea how to tell Felix, but what could I do. I made my choice, and in all honestly, I didn't regret one bit of it. A smile appeared on my face, my breathing still heavy. Minho kissed the top of my forehead, holding me tight in his arms. "I know I might not have said this to you, but Y/N... I love you, with all of my heart."

"I love you too Minho."

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now