7 ⚠️

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The crying stopped, but we didn't move a single muscle. It felt weird, yet so comfortable, like it was somehow meant to be. It was new for me, actually hugging people. Maybe that's why it felt so nice. Or does it vary depending on the person? I honestly had no idea, but I did know I wasn't ready to let go yet. Minho slightly moved his fingers, but instead of letting go he only readjusted his arms, still holding onto me tightly.

"Y/N?" he whispered in a low voice. "Yeah?" I whispered back, not sure of what to expect. "Do you really hate me all that much?" he asked, this time a little more insecure. It was as if I could slowly learn a new side of him. The one I always saw on TV. Was there really a trace of sincerity? I shook my head, not wanting to actually say it out loud, knowing I'd be too embarrassed.

He pulled away a little, still holding onto me but now looking me right in the eye. "You don't? After how I treated you?" I shook my head once more, smiling at how he seemed so shocked yet happy. "Yes, I did think you were a jerk, but there must be a reason for all of this right? You don't have to tell me, but I don't think you're as bad as you pretend to be." He just smiled softly, not sure of how to reply.

"Anyways, I should probably go back to bed, it's really late... You too, don't sleep too late okay?" I slowly let my arms down, leaving his grip. I waved at him and flashed a smile before turning around again. "Wait, Y/N" Minho quickly said, hugging me from behind. I wanted to turn around, but he wouldn't let me. "Stay like that, I'd be too embarrassed otherwise... I probably should have said it way earlier but I'm sorry... And thank you for still believing in me." With that, he let me go as he walked the other way, disappearing from my sight.

I went back straight to my room, closing it behind me in an instant, finally flashing a smile again. "Y/N, what took you so long?" a voice called out from inside my room, making me jump. Felix stood up from the bed and walked up to me, literally dragging me to the bed. He sat down, pulling me in his arms as we both lay down. "Felix? What are you doing?" I asked surprised. "I couldn't sleep so I came here for cuddles."

Minutes of peace passed, the both just lying there. I honestly wasn't sure how to feel, but didn't want to tell him off, clearly something was bugging him. "You know," he started, "when I first saw you, I honestly felt so shocked. I could see you struggling, trying so desperately to get away from Minho, for a second I didn't know what to do. You seemed so helpless..."

His voice trailed off as his grip tightened. "I just wanted to be there for you. Growing up in this household wasn't easy at all, which is why I went overseas, but when I heard Minho was looking for a partner I had to come back, I didn't want them to go through the same as I did, especially since Minho would probably make it worse. I just feel like I have to take care of you, and I don't know why, it's bugging me..."

"Maybe it's because somehow, this place scares you? Since you dislike it here, you're afraid others will too. Seeing how things weren't going well at all, you felt the need to protect me from the same thing that hurt you. Even though we didn't know each other, you wanted to make sure I was okay, I think that really is something admirable." I looked up at him, only to see his eyes wide. He got up, out of the bed. "I should probably let you rest, sorry for bothering you... Goodnight." He quickly left before I could call his name, quite worried about him, hoping I didn't say anything wrong.

As time passed I dozed off, but was awoken by an awful odor. The door instantly swung open, revealing both Minho and Felix. "Y/N, hurry!" Minho yelled as he ran up to me, literally dragging me out of bed. When we got into the hallway I could see flames as high as the roof spread all through the building. The smoke got to my lungs, making me cough uncontrollably. "We have to get out here or we're done for!" Felix yelled, looking at every possible way to get out. "Here, to the left!" Minho yelled back, pulling me along, Felix following right behind us.

As we got to the staircase we instantly stopped, seeing it got caught up in the flames. Without thinking Felix jumped down over the railing, landing safely but slightly hurt. "Y/N, you have to jump!" he yelled. I looked down, then back. "I can't, it's too high!" Minho instantly picked me up. "Felix, catch!" he yelled as he threw me over it. Felix instantly caught me, putting me down safely before taking my hand, running outside. Minho followed after, desperately looking around him.

"Where are mom and dad?!" He yelled. Felix and I looked at each other in despair. Minho was about to run in, but a loud explosion blew him away, luckily enough unharmed. The flames spread faster and faster, making it impossible for anyone to get in...or out." Minho was about to go in through the fire, but Felix pulled him back, hitting him in the face. "What are you thinking you idiot!"

Minho's eyes were watery, seeming like he could break down any moment again. "Mom and dad are still inside, we have to save them!" He shouted, trying to fight his way out of Felix's grip but with no luck. "I'm sorry Minho... they're gone."

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now