19 ⚠️

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"Felix, you're here!" I welcomed him, taking him with me to Angelina's room. He simply nodded, falling down on a chair. He just took his helmet off, revealing his damp hair. He looked exhausted, somehow making him even more attractive. He wore a leather jacket over a plain white shirt, black pants, perfectly forming well around his legs and one earring dangling on his left ear. Angelina instantly wiggled her eyebrows at me but I brushed it off. I couldn't do this. No matter how handsome he was, I made a choice.

"So, what do you two have so far?" he asked, running his hand through his hair to get it out of his face, a drop falling from it. I instantly got the list, somehow finding myself avoiding to look at him. "This is what we have so far" I answered, giving it to him.

- Kim Seungmin
- Minho/Felix's cousin
- Dad takes over company for now
- Literally no social media?!?
- Does this guy even really exist?!?

Felix bursted out in laughter upon reading it. "DoEs ThIs GuY eVeN rEaLlY eXiSt?" he called out between his laughing. Angelina and I chuckled upon hearing him go crazy. Felix finally caught his breath, adding some bullet points to it.

- Definitely exists (sadly)
- Pretty selfish
- Can be mean too (he stole my toy when I was 3, I STILL REMEMBER DAMMIT)
- On a more serious note, likes to mess with people or boss them around

Angelina and I bent down a little to read, both laughing as Felix pouted. "He really did steal my toy!! It was mean." Angelina and I started laughing even more until she suddenly stopped. I slowly stopped as well, staring at her in confusion. "What's up?"

"What if he's doing this to mess with Felix and Minho?" she suddenly stated. Felix and I quickly looked at each other, then back to her. "Where exactly are you going with this?" She read through the notes once more. "No, listen to me. Felix wrote it down himself right? He likes to mess with them, so right now he's messing with their love lives. It makes sense right?" I nodded instantly. "But still, that doesn't explain as for how he knows all of that."

Felix let out a sigh. "I told him I like you and a bit about what happened in frustration since I didn't want to leave just you and Minho behind, I think by observing he figured out the rest... I'm sorry, it's all my fault!" He buried his head in his hands, instantly making me feel bad. I hesitantly put my hand on his back. "Lix, you couldn't have known... It's clear Seungmin is a really bad person, you can't change that."

Felix dove into my arms, crying out in my chest. "I shouldn't have trusted him. Maybe none of this would have happened, maybe we'd still be toge...ther" he finished almost inaudibly, backing away again. "I- I'm sorry, I'm going to get some fresh air" he said, stumbling out quickly. "Wait, Lix!" I called out, trying to go after him until Angelina stopped me. "I know you care but it might make things more complicated if you go." I shook my head, carefully taking my hand out of her grip. "I know things might be weird for us now and that I chose Minho, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him." Angelina just stared for a bit, finally nodding. "Just be careful" she yelled after me as I ran out as well to find him.

When I got out Felix was already on his motorcycle, his helmet on, racing away right before my eyes. My eyes followed his figure becoming smaller and smaller until he disappeared completely. I hurt him so much more than I could imagine, yet he still didn't want to make me uncomfortable... I felt horrible, like I was being eaten away from the inside. He really was too good of a person.

Just as I was about to look away a black car was driving this way, allowing me to keep my eyes in that direction just a little longer until it stopped at the house across of Angelina's. The car was fancy, the mansion was huge, this really was a completely different life than I had led before all this.

"Mom, I told you I can't clean up tonight! I have work since SOMEONE spends all of our money on unnecessary jewels. We can barely pay the rent, and that's only because I work so hard." My mom simply took another sip of her beer, looking completely unbotherd. "Just clean up after that or something." She was about to walk into her room when she stopped. "Oh, by the way. I told your boss you're quitting starting tomorrow, this famous Minho guy has to get married and I have a good feeling about it this time. Otherwise you can just find a new job like you did before."

I shook my head, not wanting to think of it. She was one of the most disgusting people I had ever known. I wasn't going to be like her. I was going to change my own fate, take care of my own problems, even if it meant stopping Seungmin from doing any more harm and making him admit to Minho it wasn't all true.

My attention shifted back to the driver, who now held the door open for what I assumed to be the owner of the mansion. A familiar figure got out of the car, making my eyes widen in shock. The boy turned around, a smile on his face as soon as he caught me staring. "Y/N, what a lovely surprise, what are you doing there?" He started walking up to me, slowly, but with a grin wider with every step. "Why don't you come on in, I've been meaning to talk to you."

And that's how I ended up in Seungmin's room.

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now