9 ⚠️

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"Ms Y/N?" one of the nurses asked, startling the three of us. Felix's grip weakened due to the surprise, causing Minho to pull me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me waist, leaving Felix stand behind us. "Ah, ehm, yes?" I replied hesitantly, still in shock from what just happened. "It's time for your checkup" she says with a slightly confused smile. "I'm coming!" I called out instantly, getting out of Minho's grip.

We got into my room, the nurse locking the door behind us. "What is the check up for?" I asked, already getting on the bed. She laughed a little, shaking her head. "Don't worry, I was just trying to get you out of there. You looked pretty uncomfortable out there, you alright?" I let myself fall on the bed.

"You are a literal angel, thank you!" She walked up to the door again. "Listen, I'll tell those guys you need some extra rest so simply pretend to be asleep if they come in, don't worry. Take it easy okay?" I nodded, a smile plastered on my face. "Thanks again!" I said happily just before she left the room.

That's when it sunk in. What on earth were they even doing? What was all that about? Was Felix seriously about to kiss me? And Minho... Was he actually jealous? My head was spinning like crazy with all of these questions, not even making me realize the two boys had come in. Luckily enough for me my eyes were already closed, so that they didn't realize I was awake when I actually noticed they'd gotten into the room. "She's asleep for now" the nurse that had just helped me said, closing the door again with the two boys left inside the room.

"Listen, I think you and I need to have a little chit-chat about what the freak just happened" Minho started, trying his best to keep his voice lowered. Felix simply rolled his eyes, not giving Minho an actual answer, causing Minho to scoff. "You seriously thought you could kiss her? Just like that? My freaking fiancée?"

This time it was Felix's time to scoff. "Stop using that word, geez. It's not like you two were really engaged, we all know it's just for show. Now that you don't have to prove yourself to mom and dad anymore, just end this show already." Minho was clearly taken aback, but was absolutely not backing off. "Even if it was just for show, you think I'd simply let you have her? You've already taken everything I had away from me, there's no way I'll let you have her. I'll show you what it feels like to have someone else claim what you like. Like I told you, she's mine." "We'll see about that."

Minho left, slamming the door closed. I flinched at the sudden sound, desperately hoping Felix didn't notice. My heart hurt for some reason after hearing Minho. Just when I thought he'd actually grown closer to me, did he still think of me as nothing but a toy? For his reputation? To hurt Felix? I felt stupid for even allowing myself to believe, or maybe to wish for an actual bond.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Felix suddenly asked, wiping a tear off my face which I didn't even knew had formed. I slowly opened my eyes, meeting his soft gaze. "We woke you up didn't we" he said with an awkward smile, rubbing the back of his nape. I simply nodded shyly, Looking away again. His soft gaze remained as he kept on caressing my cheek.

"What did that jerk do to you? Obviously he upset you didn't he?" I didn't want to admit it, but Felix was right. It did upset me, more than I liked. "Over the days our bond had actually grown, and I thought we'd actually become at least friends, but I guess I'm simply just a toy to him" I answered, another tear forming, feeling betrayed.

"Do you think you might have liked him, even if it was only a little?" My heart stung, already giving myself the answer I desperately hoped not to have. "Yes" was all I said, thinking back. When he held me, when he opened up to me, was that really just for show? Was I the only one who thought that maybe we could actually become something more?

Felix's thumb stayed still on my cheek as he leaned in once again. His lips met mine, slowly moving in sync. It was all so naturally, the way his lips felt against mine, for those few seconds it made me forget about all of the worries in the world. He leaned in more, deepening the kiss. Our bodies were pressed together, his free hand roaming around my body. The kiss deepened with every second.

He lightly bit my lower lip, making me gasp, giving him permission to explore my mouth with his tongue. His one hand moved to the back of my head, lightly holding my hair, while the other went around my waist, even underneath the shirt, against my bare skin. It sent shivers down my spine.

After a few seconds Felix broke off the kiss, looking me right into my eyes. "Y/N, forget about Minho. He doesn't love you the way I do, he won't care for you the way I will. I will always be here for you, so choose me." My head was still spinning from the kiss. "If I say yes, and only if, we have to keep it a secret, for everyone, including Minho."

His face turned confused, a little hurt as well. "Why? Why can't he know? Do you still want to be with him?" I lowered my gaze, embarrassed that it could be partially true. "It's because of the media. We can't have any drama right now, the media is already on our heels, if anyone finds out your reputation could be destroyed instantly." He seemed to understand, but still wasn't happy with it. "Then what about Minho? Why can't he know? He's just an insider."

In all honesty, I didn't even have a clear answer for that. Felix really is a great guy, he's nice, caring, he'll treat me right, and so should I. So why do I feel so uncomfortable with the idea of Minho knowing? I should forget about him, it wasn't right.

Felix let out a sigh, his smile returning. "Y/N, it's okay. As long as I can be with you I'm already the happiest guy in the world." Our eyes finally met again, both of us smiling brightly. He pecked my forehead, my temple, my cheek, pampering my fave with kisses. "I really love you Y/N."

✔️mine • Minho X Reader X Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now