The boy under the bed

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"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away." 

"Gave it away,"

"THIS year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special."


"Stop echoing me Biana! You're ruining my solo!" Sophie complained. 

"No, I'm adding the dramatic effect." 

Sophie rolled her eyes and flopped on her bed. Biana looked at her teasingly. 

"Are you singing that song to Keefe?" 

"Wha..what?" Sophie stuttered. Biana laughed. 

"I mean, it totally makes sense. He's the jerk in the song." 

"He's not a jerk." Sophie said softly. "And for the record, I never gave him my heart on Christmas." 

"But you gave him your heart?" Biana pressed, noticing the loophole in her friend's words. 

"I don't know. Maybe I thought I liked him when I actually was just transferring feelings?" 

At Biana's blank expression, Sophie elaborated.

"Maybe I just thought I liked him because I liked how last year made me feel. Last year was great, probably the best year ever. And now that we've been in school for two weeks, it's obvious that this is a far cry from the fun of last year. What if I think I like him just because of what he represents? Not for him."

"Really? But you had feelings for him during last year. It's not like you just developed this crush."

"I don't know. It's just a theory. Maybe I don't want to admit I liked him, because if I don't... I won't feel bad anymore? I feel like it might go away if I keep denying I ever liked him in the first place." 

"Aaannd this is how we end up in therapy." 

Sophie scowled. 

Biana held out her hands. "I'm just saying if you suppress your emotions, they'll just fester." 


Biana looked around the room. "Not to give you unwanted advice, but maybe you should take a step back from relationships right now. I mean, I'm all for Sophitz, but it looks like you could use some space. At least for a week." 

Sophie rolled up in her comforter. 

"Biana," She said, voice muffled. "I appreciate you as a friend, but please don't give me any advice right now." 


"I think I just want to be alone." 

"Oh. Alright." Biana patted Sophie awkwardly. "Just call me if you need to talk." She headed to the door. 



"Could you lock the door and then close it?" 

"Sure." Biana complied with her request, slightly confused. 

Sophie waited for the thud of the door before unrolling, a smile already on her face. 

"I thought she'd never leave." The voice from underneath the bed spoke. 

(Ha! Guess who? I can see your puzzled face as you think of the most likely characters)

"Yeah, you can come out now." Sophie assured, after checking that the door was locked and the premises was void of sneaking Bianas. 

"It's really hot down here, you know?" 

"No, actually I don't. I refrain from having adventures under my bed."  

"Well, I can definitely see why." 

"Are you going to come out now? I imagine it's pretty cramped under there." 

"Oh yeah. Too bad Biana talks so much." 

( an afternoon tryst?)

Slowly, two legs appeared from under the bed. A pair of mittens were thrown out from under as well. 

"What are those for?" Sophie asked, picking them up.

"I have cold hands."  

A moment later, two hands grabbed the frame of the bed. They grappled for a moment, seeking somewhere to gain leverage in order to pull the rest of the body out from the bed. 

It's like watching octopus squeeze out of a bottle, Sophie mused. She'd seen that only once, when she'd visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium in 5th grade. How creepy. 

"I hope that was mildly entertaining for you." 

At last, they were out from under the bed. The boy brushed off his formerly immaculate clothes, which had been slightly wrinkled from their unconventional adventure. 

"So, what's the plan?" Sophie asked. 

"It's the same as it was when we discussed earlier. Do your parents know... about us?" 

"They know you'll be hanging around more often. My mom knows enough to shake her head and mutter. My Dad will probably assume you're helping me write essays or something." 

"Eh, he's not far off." 

Sophie raised an eyebrow. 

The boy shrugged. "I mean, I am helping you achieve something for your future." 

Sophie shook her head. "This was a bad idea. No one's going to buy it, and it's kind of weird!" 

"Oh, it's definitely weird. But everyone thinks I'm weird anyway. As for no one buying it, well! They don't have to! We just need to cast enough doubt in their minds to make them consider it." 

"Okay. I guess so. Where do we begin?" 

The boy grinned. "Let's start at the basics: How to Draw Attention."

I'm back! Oh yeah! Who knows for how long, but I've decided to post this now to end the suspense (Of course this may just create more suspense). 

So, who is the mysterious boy? I already have it planned, so don't think I'm going to change the person depending on what you guys say. It's a bit scandalous. There. That's my only clue (and a big one at that) 

Of course, that could be me trying to throw you guys off, but I wouldn't do that. 

Or would I?  


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