Keefe gets confronted

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"That wasn't such a great move." 

"Thanks for the heads up Oliver," Keefe muttered. He jumped onto his bed. Oliver wiped his eyes. 

"Man, that dude's epic. You need to network me with all your geeky friends!" 

"Sorry, Dex is the only one that's a geek. The rest of us are normal." 

"That's okay. We're already overpowering all the games we play anyway." 

"Yeah. So do you think she's really upset with me?" 

"I don't know. Ask someone that really knows her." 

"You have a point there." Keefe grabbed his phone to call Biana on Facetime. 

"Keefe! I haven't talked to you in foreveeeerr!" Biana shrieked. Keefe winced. 

I guess I deserve that. I haven't been super good at checking in with anyone at home...except maybe Sophie. 

"Hi Biana." Keefe said guiltily. "How's the fam?" 

He felt he needed to at least engage in a little small talk, so it wouldn't look like he was just interested in getting information out of her. 

"Pretty good. Fitz really likes college, and I'm soo ready to graduate! Did you know Foxfire got new lockers? It's amazing! Now they finally don't stink!" 

"Heh, yeah they used to stink pretty bad." Keefe replied, wishing he could speed up the conversation. 

"Do you like London?" Biana asked eagerly. 

"Not really, most of the people are boring." 

"Hey!" Oliver objected from where he was trying to sleep.

"Who's that?" Biana scrunched her eyebrows. 

"Just my roommate Oliver. He's a pain." 

"No, I'm delightfully respectful, and I would never chat with my friends in the middle of the night while my roomies  try to sleep." 

Keefe panned the screen to Oliver, who was glaring at Keefe from underneath a checkered blanket. 

"Ooh, sorry! What time is it over there?" 

"About time for college dudes to go to sleep." Oliver murmured drowsily. 

"Seriously dude! It's only twelve!" Keefe turned his attention back to Biana. "He's really just a big baby. No one except for him goes to bed before at least 1." 

"Wow, you rebels." Biana joked. "So I guess I'd better hang up, so you can get some rest. Thanks for calling." 

"Wait!" Keefe waved his hands desperately. "I need to ask you something real quick." 

Biana raised her eyebrows curiously. "Is it about Sophie." 


She rolled her eyes. "I knew it!" she exclaimed as she snapped her fingers.  

Keefe nodded his head, already repairing his facade. "It's cool, I can figure it out myself."  

"No, no, no! I'll help. But in return..." Biana's face took on a mischievous quality. "I want the low down on what's going on between you and Sophie."  

"The low down?" Keefe echoed. 

"Don't play dumb with me Keefe Sencen. I mean, why did you just leave? And do you like her? Oh, also it'd be nice to have an apology on record for breaking the poor girl's heart!" 

Keefe moved the phone away from his face. Oliver looked on curiously. 

"Stop eavesdropping on my conversation!" Keefe snapped.

"It's free real estate." Oliver mumbled, but he put his pillow over his head. Keefe walked into the bathroom and shut the door. 

"So?" Biana prompted. 

"I...uh. Well, I left because my Dad made me leave. He got the flight booked and had college all lined up. Not to mention he gave me no choice." 

"Okay, but what about everything else? Dude, she basically called it off with Fitz for you! I'd be pretty resentful if not for the fact that they're back together." 


Biana leveled him with a glare. "You looked through her messages you idiot. I thought you knew by now." 

Keefe shrugged, heart sinking. "I thought he was just being obnoxiously helpful." 

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but Sophie's moving on." 

"Wait, you said I broke her heart? What was that about?" 

"That's what I'd like to know!" Biana fumed. "Just stop asking questions! I'm supposed to be the interrogator!" Biana started laughing, despite her best efforts. She eventually composed herself. "I just want to know whether you guys actually had something or not. Sophie was heartbroken when you left...and I think you guys had something going." 

"I thought we did too. But then I had to leave and everything just blew away." Keefe pushed a heavy breath out of his lungs. "I should have let her know how I really felt." 

Biana nodded. Keefe searched for an excuse to leave, but Biana beat him to it. 

"I gotta go. Talk to you later?" 

"Yeah." Keefe clicked off. 

I just revealed more of my soul than I wanted to.

Keefe came out of the bathroom. 

"How'd it go?" Oliver mumbled. 

"Worse than I thought," Keefe replied. 

Oliver was silent. 

"What, no smart comeback?" 

Snores resounded through the room. 

"I guess I'm that boring." Keefe muttered. 

Minutes later, he was asleep.

How I Fell in Love (#3 How I Fell in Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now