The Wedding pt. 2

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"Stop the wedding!" Keefe repeated, straightening to his full height. 

Sophie squeezed Alvar's arm. Even seeing to him on t.v. hadn't prepared Sophie for how different Keefe really was. 

His voice, for starters, was deeper than the last time she'd seen him in person. Likewise, he was more filled out; his athletic frame was noticeably muscular, and he carried himself with confident assurance. 

"Sophie?" Keefe called. "Where is she?" 

The crowd moved quickly to part in front of Sophie. Thankfully, Alvar stayed by her side and held her steady. 

"We can make a mad dash if you want." He said lowly. 

Sophie forced a small smile. "It's okay." She continued to grip his arm, however, with vice-like energy. 

Keefe's gaze alighted on Sophie and Alvar. Sophie thought she saw his jaw tighten, but she couldn't be sure, since he was about 20 feet away. 

"Sophie, don't marry him. I'm not sure if you already have, but hear me out. Five years ago, I made the worst mistake ever. I ran away from you, and I expected you to run after me, like you always have before." 

Now, a side note before we get farther into this speech. You're probably expecting a very touching speech, like at the end of most Hallmark movies. Well, unfortunately (or fortunately) Keefe is not a Hallmark character. He's Keefe... so naturally things are going to go a little different than what normally happens with love confessions. *Ahem* Continue. 

"See, the thing is," Keefe continued. "It took me a couple years to realize that you had grown up, and were not going after me again. It took me going to Ihop one day to realize that I was a child." 

"Ihop?" Biana spoke up. "Did you really just talk about Ihop?" 

"Is it a crime to love pancakes?" Keefe craned his head, but he couldn't find Biana in the mass of people. 

"Only kids eat pancakes. Men eat waffles." A voice that sounded suspiciously like Tam's said. 

"I was just getting to that! You ruined the climax of the story!" Keefe yelled. A dark chuckle reverberated from Sophie's left. 

"Anyway." Keefe shook his head, beginning to look more like the boy she'd left behind. "When I was at Ihop, I realized I always ordered the same thing: Pancakes. Which is what I thought everyone ordered there, because it's International House of Pancakes. Until I realized that all the adults ordered waffles and eggs and bacon and burgers! And I realized that I haven't moved on from the kid's menu. I was acting like a kid, when it was time for me to grow up."  

A murmur rose from the crowd. Apparently, they didn't approve of Keefe's dining choices. 

"So, when I came back to the States, I ordered waffles and eggs. And you know what? It was hard to order them, because I didn't think they'd be as good as the pancakes. " 

"Were they?" Linh asked. 

Keefe grimaced. "No, they weren't. They were awful. But that doesn't help my argument, so forget what I just said." Keefe cleared his throat. "The point is, I've been stuck in perpetual adolescents, but now that I've grown up, I can see how awfully naive I've been." 

He sighed. "I guess it's just like what the wise old people always say: everything's clearer in hindsight. Sophie, I've been an awful friend, if you even still consider me to be a friend. I messed up everything when I ran away, and I sorry." 

A hand tore through his blonde hair. "I don't deserve anything, but I'm going to be reckless enough to ask for one thing: Sophie, please give me a chance. I know this is your wedding, but I have loved you from the moment I met you. For almost a decade I have been in love with you, but I was too foolish to ever commit. I'll understand if you turn away, but just know that I will always love you. And if I get a chance, I will work to make up for all those years I was gone."  

How I Fell in Love (#3 How I Fell in Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now