The Great Geek War...ish

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If there was one thing Sophie could change, it would be her email account. 

"Yo, Foster! Did you see what you just got in your inbox?" 

Sophie wrung her hands, refusing the urge to log into her account. Unfortunately for Sophie, Keefe had somehow found out how to access her email. 

"Woah, this is really juicy!" 

"What is it?" Sophie demanded, irritated. 

"Hmm, I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself. Unless I delete it..." 

"Ugh! Could you just stop reading my mail?" 

"Why would I stop now, when we've been having such a great time?" 

Oh yeah, that's right. Keefe had only been annoying her for the past two and a half days.   

"You know, my roommate Oliver said there was a way to sync the phone and email. Wonder if I could sync text messages too..." 

Sophie saw her chance to get even. 

"Oh Oliver! Such a nice guy! Did he tell you he wants to come here to visit?" 

Keefe lapsed into silence. 

"Hello?" Sophie tapped her phone to check if he was still on the line. A Facetime request popped up on her phone from Keefe. 

"Now should I answer that, or just let it go?" Sophie wondered aloud, knowing already that she would answer it.

She tapped the screen. "Hello?" 

Keefe's smirking face popped up. 

"You ready?" 

"Uh, for what?" 

"The ULTIMATE besties move!" 


Keefe held up his phone. "I'm syncing our phones!" A green bar was rapidly being filled. 

"WHAT?! Okay, this has gone on long enough! It's one thing to hack my email, but this is too much!" 

Keefe grinned cheekily into the camera. "What? It'll be great!" 

Sophie shook her head. "You leave me no choice." Sophie minimized the screen. "Siri, call the Dungeon Master."  

"Calling the Dungeon Master." 

"Who's the Dungeon Master?" Keefe spoke up. 

"Bye bye Keefe." Sophie clicked him off and waited for the Dungeon Master to pick up. 

A moment later, they did. 

"Yeah. What's up?" 

"I need you for a job."  

"Sure. Right now?" 

"If you can." 

"Yep. I'll be right over." 

                                                                                           *  *  * 

"Wow, you guys do nothing but gossip and share fashion tips, huh?" 

Sophie ignored Keefe's comment. 

"I mean, at least Biana does. Wait, is that a picture of you? Aww, look at that!" 

Figuring that Sophie wasn't going to respond, Keefe moved on. 

"Let's move on to your conversations with someone else." 

Exasperated to the breaking point, Sophie looked straight into the camera. "Can you just stop? This is a breach of privacy! I wouldn't do this to you!" 

"You wouldn't huh? What if I told you that my conversation are also synced to yours?" 

"That doesn't matter!" Sophie retorted, ignoring an intense urge to check her phone texts. 

"Sure. Alright, who will we snoop on now? Ooh! Let's look at the Fitzster chat!" 

"Keefe, you're being a jerk!" 

Nothing but white noise came over the phone.

"Keefe?" Sophie rubbed her bleary eyes. This is the second time he's done this.

A sound echoed from downstairs. The Dungeon Master was here. 

Just then, Keefe's voice came over the phone. "You and Fitz are dating?" 

"Well, um," Sophie was saved from trying to explain herself because, suddenly, the Dungeon Master was in her room. 

"Thank goodness your here." Sophie breathed. 

"Is that the Dungeon Master?" Keefe called. 

"Oh yeah. And I'm about to shut you down!" 

"Dex? Dex is the Dungeon Master?" Keefe laughed. "I forgot about him for a hot sec."

"See, we have a situation." Sophie began, leading Dex away from Keefe's earshot. She rapidly explained what Keefe had done. 

Dex attempted to smirk. "Keefe may be the king of jerk, but I'm the king of tech. Don't worry." 

He picked up the phone. "Easy fix." 

"He wasn't being too much of a jerk." Sophie mumbled halfheartedly. 

Dex gave her a look. 

"Okay, fine! He's a pretty huge wannabe-British jerk." 

"Are you talking about me?" An unfamiliar voice asked. 

"Who's that?" Dex muttered, tinkering with the phone settings. 

"It's Oliver, my roomie and professional geek." Keefe bragged.  

"Not professional," Oliver piped up in his accent. 

Dex chuckled. "Finally, a worthy opponent." He hefted a humongous computer from a nondescript bag Sophie had barely registered was there. 

"Okaaay." Sophie sat back to watch the geek war.

                                                                                        *    *    * 

"Your algorithm is superb." Oliver complimented. 

"Thanks. I like yours too." 

"Are you guys even at war anymore?" Sophie heard Keefe moan. 

It had been a couple hours since the Great Geek War had begun. 

"Nah, we ended that ages ago. Now we're trying to beat this cool game together. You wouldn't understand it though, it's mostly code." 

Sophie groaned. "You could have told me that earlier! Who won?" 

"Eh," Dex and Oliver responded. 

"We decided you guys could work it out. We'd rather play our game." 

Sophie sighed. "Alright. Keefe, I'm sick of you right now, so let's just end on friendly terms. Stop spying on me and I might forgive you." 

"But Fosteeerrrr!" 

"No!" Sophie was smiling now. "That's it." 

Silence ticked by until Keefe gave a sad, "Fine." 

"Okay, we're just going to finish this level, then we'll get on that." Dex told Sophie. 

"Good riddance." Sophie muttered. 

She exited her room to satiate her hunger. 

"Well, at least someone's having fun."

How I Fell in Love (#3 How I Fell in Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now