The Wedding (pt 1?)

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~Two Months Before the Wedding~

"You need to pick a dress!" Biana hounded, piling a stack of bridal magazines of Sophie's lap. 

Sophie grumbled. "What I need is for the florist to call me back! The wedding is in a month, and she said she'd have an answer by now!" 

"Is this about the mini bouquets?" Biana inquired tiredly. "I told you! Nobody is expecting the mini bouquets, so it's completely fine!" 

"I know." Sophie muttered. "But I want it to be perfect."

Biana grinned. "It's already perfect." 

Sophie didn't think so. After all, mini bouquets (carried by the bridesmaids) would make the wedding perfect. 

"How about this dress?" Biana asked, not so subtly changing the subject. She was pointing to a cute halter top, lace wound fashionably around the waist. 

"No, too uptight." 

Biana pointed to another one, a dress with a square neckline and pearled filigree gracing the waistline. 

"That's alright, but I wanted something a little more flowy." 

Biana slapped her finger on a ballgown. 

"Not that flowy." Sophie laughed. 

Biana rolled her eyes. "You'd better pick something soon! You know everyone else already has their dress, right? EVEN ME! And I thought I was picky." She muttered.

Sophie shrugged. "Has to be perfect." 

"You're impossible." Biana sighed. 

                                                                                         *   *   * 

~One Month Before the Wedding~

"I've received most of the RSVP's." Biana cheered, smiling. 

Sophie rubbed her temples. "Good. Now we just need to plan the tables. Are we going to have a kids table? Because if so, we should save ourselves a few headaches and stash the triplets there." 

The triplets, though mostly grown, were far from mature. 

"They're your family! You can't just chuck family into the corner!" 

"Watch me," Sophie sang. Biana wrestled the pen from her. 

Sophie crossed her arms. "You know they're planning something."  

"Yeah, but how would that look?" 


Biana huffed. "Well, at least the photo shoot went well." 

It had gone quite well. The whole wedding party (groomsmen, bridesmaids... and family) had done an excellent job posing for the camera. 

"Hey, I got a nice shot of you and Linh together. Aww, your dresses match!" 

"Biana, all the girls were wearing white, of course we matched." 

It was a nice shot though.  

In a flash of modernism (as Biana claimed) a consensus was reached for the bridal party to all wear white. The groomsmen still wore black, much to Sophie's relief. 

"It's so scandalous!" Linh had exclaimed. 

"I know!" Sophie cried, clapping. Biana had looked smug. It had been her idea, after all, and she loved a good shock. 

Sophie pulled herself back into the present. Biana had busied herself organizing the tables. Sophie peeked at her handiwork and nodded. Biana, though she claimed the opposite, was mostly a peacemaker. 

Well, also a meddler, but at the moment she was being quite pleasant to the future guests. 

"Looks good." Sophie complimented. 

"Thanks! Perfection takes time, but I believe this'll do it." 

"Yeah, I think so. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan." 

                                                                                *   *   * 

~The Day of the Wedding~

The wedding was perfect. 

The ceremony had been absolutely perfect. The way it had been... Sophie shut her mind to it. The wedding was hardly over, and she had told herself she would only live in the moment. 

So, no reminiscing. 

The sun shined its last rays over the golden sand. The venue was all that Sophie had imagined. It was a private beach, rented out only for weddings and special, high end parties. Sophie had put down a deposit about a year in advance for it, because it was so booked up and sought after. 

There was no question why. The beach sand was golden and soft, perfect to walk barefoot on. The ocean waves were a vivacious turquoise, clear as glass up close. The waves sang calming melodies, but the wind never overpowered. 

The small beach ran into a grassy lawn, where the tables and guests now meandered. Set into the lawn was a large marble dance floor, where guests were now congregating. 

The first dance had already happened, so now all the guests were dancing. 

A rhythmic beat began, and Sophie felt a tap on her back. 

"Care for a dance, love?" Alvar asked, smiling from ear to ear. 

Sophie laughed. "How could I refuse?" 

They swayed on the dance floor together, idly watching as the triplets shimmied in an offbeat manner in the corner. 

"They haven't caused too much trouble." Sophie murmured, resting her cheek on Alvar's shoulder. 

"Suspicious?" Alvar whispered back. Sophie nodded into against him. 

"Definitely." Sophie breathed. "Maybe we should go over there to make sure nothing bad happens."

"This whole place could be burning, and I'd still rather dance with you." Alvar jested. 

Sophie sighed. "I feel the same way. This is the first time I've felt like I can really relax." 

Alvar pulled her closer. "Then we can stay on this dance floor forever."  


Everyone on the dance floor flinched at the loud sound, which had come from behind near the parking lot. 

Sophie furrowed her brow in confusion, counting all three of the triplets present on the dance floor. 

Sophie saw dust rising from the parking lot, followed by hurried footsteps. 

By now, everyone was forming a crowd near the edge of the lawn, watching whatever was making the commotion. Alvar grabbed Sophie's hand and eagerly lead them into the crowd, lest they miss out on the excitement.  

A silhouette emerged from the dust, gradually becoming more pronounced. 

Sophie sucked in her breath as the figure held up his hand, index finger pointed to the sky. 

"STOP THE WEDDING!" Keefe demanded.

How I Fell in Love (#3 How I Fell in Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now