Important Ingredient

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(Cover made by @IgotARMYDayha-L )


A stranger! A complete an absolute stranger is who Jackson hired to be the head chef! Who even is this guy? You've never even heard of Kim Seokjin before! He wasn't a renowned chef of some sorts. His face seemed more suitable for television yet there he was. Smiling to your face as he told you that he stole your job. Kim Seokjin is his name? Well, you don't like him! You don't care if you're being petty at the moment. Being head chef is your dream and it was suddenly stolen by some man you've never seen in your life. If it were someone from your kitchen, you'd at least have some understanding on why they got the job. Someone with more seniority than this stranger! How does he know Jackson? Why weren't you promoted?

That's right. You're not mentally ready. You were already scoffing just having those words float around in your head. Aside from throwing a fit for not getting the position, you think you're mentally capable. More than mentally capable of the job! Why would Jackson or Pecan ever say such a thing? It still left you feeling incredibly hurt. And betrayed. You can't forget betrayed. The worst part of it all was that your nephew got to witness you throwing a tantrum in front of your boss. Daeho laughed at you like this was some kind of joke! It didn't sit well with you. Nothing did. You strongly believed that you deserved head chef yet you weren't. Something was wrong with the world.

Grumpy as ever, you drove back to your apartment with Daeho in the passenger's seat. He had been waiting for you and asked who you were talking to. When you told him that was the new head chef, he snickered. It made you want to scream, but you suppose its fine since he kept quiet the entire ride back. He stayed focused on his phone, his eyes glued to the small screen. That saved you the trouble of making an awkward conversation. The two of you both didn't have an interest in talking to one another. It still wasn't hitting you that this boy would be living with you for as long as his mom is gone. Knowing Jiyoo though, she's most likely going to take advantage of his entire summer break. Which means...Daeho is going to stay with you for three months.

This is bullsh*t! Daeho stayed quiet as you stomped your feet all the way up the steps of the stairs. Your nephew is a nice're sure he is, but! You really don't have time to be taking care of him. The only good thing was that he could at least work at your kitchen. He wasn't a small kid anymore who you would have to give a lot of attention to. You'll get to keep an eye on him and he'll earn money to spend on his own. Taking care of him won't be too much of a struggle, but things are awkward between the two of you. You've hardly ever talked to him and Daeho doesn't look too interested in getting to know his aunt. Jiyoo is dead when she gets back! Opening up your front door, you carefully set down your bag on the coffee table and angrily marched around the flat.

"I lost head chef to some stranger! Not to mention, your Eomma dropped you off without any notice!" You huffed, turning around to face Daeho at the entrance of your apartment. He shut the door and kept his eyes on the floor. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and you began to feel bad. It's not his fault. You shouldn't be yelling at him. "You're more than welcome here, Daeho. I don't mind having you here...I'm just frustrated with your Eomma."

"You should be angrier at her boyfriend." Daeho frowned. "He's a d*ck."

"Oh hey now, no swearing." You chuckled awkwardly. Daeho raised a brow at you as if to ask if you were being serious. He may be a teenager, but you wanted him to have manners around you. Something his mom clearly hasn't worked on with him. Getting him to treat adults with basic respect will have to be your first step with him. Hopefully, that's not too impossible.

"So where do I sleep?" Daeho asked and your eyes widened. That's a good question! A wonderful question! You grinned at him as you panicked inside your head. Why didn't you have that planned out? You always have things thoroughly thought through so why not this time? Oh, that's right. Jiyoo left Daeho in your care without notice. D*mn, what are you going to do? Then it finally came to you.

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