The Phone Call

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Everything was a blur. It was hard to believe you were actually awake right now. It felt like a nightmare. Daeho was put in your care and now he's in the f*cking hospital. What is wrong with you? You stood outside of his room, trembling and trying to pull yourself together. Clutching the phone in your hands, you reminded yourself of some breathing techniques. You didn't have the energy to call over and over again only to hear her stupid voice mail. Closing your eyes, you leaned against the wall to truly collect all your thoughts from the events of today. It was all so overwhelming that you needed to break things down to properly be there for Daeho.

Daeho. You wanted to cry again just from thinking about him. Though you didn't know your neighbor, you begged for someone to help you get your son down to your car. Luckily a man helped you out and you were able to rush Daeho over to the hospital. Daeho was able to get help right away to your relief. He was put on a stretcher, shaking and calling out for you. He didn't know where he was being taken. Wiping your face, you felt a huge pang of guilt for the fact that Daeho's symptoms continued to get worse. He was struggling to breathe and was taken away for a period of time. Now he was resting inside a room after the doctors gave him charcoal pills to slowly flush out gluten and reduce the gas in his stomach.

The doctors spoke to you briefly and you did your best to pay attention. You weren't in the best state yourself, but you forced yourself to focus for a couple minutes. Daeho apparently has been having these symptoms longer than what the two of you estimated. He had minor rashes that naturally came from washing dishes that had gluten foods on them. He was continuously getting contaminated, but he didn't say anything? You felt like the biggest idiot for not researching it yourself. You're going to have to replace every pot and pan in your house so that it's safe for Daeho. No more gluten food in your apartment. You asked Daeho if he ever had issues with the cross contamination, but he was out of it. All he was able to say were the rashes and feeling tingly at his fingers or feet. They would make him feel numb, but he ignored it believing it was because of the job.

Daeho was able to take care of himself properly when he lived with his real mother who didn't even know. He protected himself and the second he lives with you, he contaminates himself. Then you let this happen. You couldn't bear to look inside his hospital room. Daeho was sleeping soundly, but he would still be dealing with the symptoms for a couple weeks. The doctors were going to tell Daeho the rest when he wakes up. Your hearing went in and out with how close you were to falling apart. All you wanted to be was the adult Daeho needed yet you were a complete and utter mess. You just kept crying outside of his room, dialing your sister and sending texts that demanded her to pick up or call back. It was an emergency for f*ck's sake!

While you were here crying your @ss off, she was tanning in the Bahamas. Probably eating some exotic food and doing so many things you wouldn't approve of. That would make her happy though. She's happy to be down there with no responsibilities. What a b*tch! She has a son who she completely forgot about! Covering your mouth, you cried into your glove out of pure frustration. That woman didn't know a single ounce of regret that you felt. You kept looking back and wishing you tried harder to stop him from going to Amore.

Why didn't you?

There was barely anyone in the hallway to see you crying a storm. Daeho was sleeping and you had the door closed. The only person you texted about this besides your sister was Jackson. You let him know that Daeho won't be able to go into work for a while and you'd be taking a temporary leave too to take care of him. He's going to be staying at the hospital for two days and then resting for a week in your apartment. He'll still be dealing with pain, but by then he'll be able to start living as normal little by little. Daeho is fine in the end and that's the one straw of hope that prevented you from spiraling into a worse state. Everything is going to be okay. Opening up your purse, you grabbed the small packet of tissues you owned. You seriously need to stop crying and try with Jiyoo again. Pinching the tissue, you struggled to take it out.

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