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Daeho was quiet in the morning. He teased you a lot less too. It was almost strange to see him moving so lethargically. He wouldn't even make eye contact with you in the beginning. You expected him to make some type of noise in the morning. He's never this quiet when preparing for work anymore. He's usually talking his head off about anything he possibly can and you listen to every word. It was different this morning. You already had breakfast made by the time he woke up. He didn't say anything as he went to his seat, remaining silent all throughout breakfast.

It was beginning to get strange and you didn't like it one bit. The two of you were going to head out of the apartment in five minutes. Something had to be done. Daeho was keeping to himself for the longest time until you hugged the baby from behind. The second you bravely gave him affection, Daeho began flailing around like a fish. He wanted to escape your hold and it was so funny to you for some reason. His actions only made you hug him tighter. You could allow yourself to be comfortable around him. Daeho soon gave in, letting you hug him without putting up a fight.

When you finally pulled away from the teenager, you took a look at his face to see if he was upset. Daeho had a huge pout on his face along with a bright red blush across his cheeks. You had no idea why he was acting like this. Playfully poking his cheek, Daeho's face continued to heat up. He refused to look you in the eye. He kept looking at the floor or the ceiling. Anything that wasn't you in an attempt to save his pride. It wasn't really working as you began to baby him. Daeho almost gasped when you pinched his cheek and spoke in a baby voice.

"How cute~!" You cooed.

"Imo! Knock if off!" Daeho shook himself away from you. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Why are you acting so quiet?" You counteracted.

"...no reason. I just didn't have anything of importance to say." Daeho shrugged as if you were making a big deal over nothing.

"You talk no matter what though," You stated, putting your purse on your shoulder.

Daeho rolled his eyes and kept putting on a tough act. It was hard to understand why as the two of you walked out of the apartment. Closing the door, you locked it behind you before following Daeho down the stairs. He was trying so hard to keep his distance from you. He made it to the car first and had to wait for you to come over. You were the one with the keys after all. It was just so strange to see Daeho looking so lost and conflicted. It felt so out of nowhere and you weren't sure if you had the right to ask. Though the two of you have grown close as family, you're not too positive he would even tell you the truth to begin with.

There wasn't much you could do about his silence. The most you could do was give him time. Patience. Daeho let out a couple sighs on the drive over to Délice. Did he want you asking what was wrong? It was hard to tell but you questioned him again. Daeho got all red and huffy, saying that he was only trying to breathe. Whatever he says then. It looks like asking really wasn't going to get you anywhere and you weren't one to push these sorts of things. You mainly focused on yourself, but things were different nowadays. Now you had family and even friends to look out for. It was a funny new adjustment in your life.

When the two of you arrived at Délice, Daeho was the first to get out of the car. He kept trying to get away from you. What was his problem? It was almost beginning to hurt your feelings. Though you knew not to take it too personally, you badly wanted to know what was making him act like this. You told him that you weren't mad at him. Not once did you raise your voice at him or do anything to indicate that you were upset. Getting out of your car slowly, you locked it before heading inside Délice. Daeho was getting hugged aggressively by Jackson who was ranting about his worry. Haesung was clutching his own stomach so you assumed Jackson almost broke that boy's ribs first. You smiled softly as you went to go put your things away.

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