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Seokjin refused to let go of you. He held your hand firmly even with the cloth napkin acting as a barrier. It's not like you would wander away from him. Compared to everything around you, you felt safest near Seokjin. You could trust him. There was the feeling of wanting to hug your friend. The craving of security and affection, wouldn't even be able to hold Seokjin's hand if it weren't for this napkin helping you. It was something you were slowly trying to overcome. Maybe you won't be able to completely get rid of this fear, but you at least want to be able to live. Breathe in peace instead of crying, searching for the nearest d*mn sink.

Things were getting tiring, but you were managing. At least that's what you wanted so badly to believe in. Seokjin is helping you too by pushing you at times. He does it little by little. He never goes as far as making you do things you're not ready for. It makes you so relieved with how understanding Seokjin can be. That's what makes it so easy to be around him. That's what you've come to realize. He's really good at being a dependable friend that you sometimes feel you fall short compared to him. He goes above and beyond for you even when it's not necessary. The proof was currently happening right in front of you too.

The both of you were walking back to Délice together. While you were taking in timed breaths to calm yourself down, Seokjin was keeping a tight smile on his face. He didn't want you to get alarmed in the slightest. He needed you to smile back at him too. But it didn't take an idiot to read through his fake smile. You knew just from the expression on his face that he was replaying what happened with Jungkook in his head multiple times. Not only the part where he took your hand, but also where Jungkook told your friend that he was in his thirties. Seokjin didn't seem to be taking that too well.

"Are you okay?" You asked softly. Seokjin paused to stare down at you in surprise.

"Why are you asking me that? Of course, I'm fine!" Seokjin put his free hand on his chest.

"So you're not mad Jungkook thought you were in your thirties?" You became blunter with your question. Automatically, you saw the range of emotions go through Seokjin. His posture stiffened as his face became tight. He gritted his teeth until he realized he needed to quickly let that all go. Seokjin attempted to let his shoulders relax and gave you a small smile.

"He's basically in diapers. Why would I care about what someone like him has to say?" Seokjin chuckled lightly. Everything about what he said didn't sound like he was over it.

"You're being passive aggressive," You stated.

"Am not."

"Don't be a child."


"Seokjin!" You had to quiet down the older man. He was beginning to yell out in the streets and you didn't want people thinking he was crazy. He basically is though. Sighing to yourself, you tried ignoring the big pout he was giving you. "Seokjin oppa."

"Yes?" Seokjin playfully batted his eyes at you. He can be a lot to handle. You shook your head, not knowing what else to say to him. He's something else. Seokjin laughed and squeezed your hand tighter.

The walk back to Délice wasn't a long one. It was a short stroll as the two of you turned into the parking lot. You're just glad this mission is finally over. This is the last time you allow Jackson to make you guys go to restaurant as spies. It was fine at first, but it only ended up being an awful experience. You didn't really want to get too into it. All you wanted was to forget this entire event completely. Luckily, Seokjin was going to tell Jackson about what went down for you. Something to make Jackson understand that the two of you are chefs. The both of you aren't spies he can unleash into neighboring restaurants when he feels like it.

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