After Work

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Another successful day at work. People were well fed, the food was carefully prepared, and the service was immediate and responsive. You wouldn't expect anything less from the Délice staff. That was something you could always take pride in. You even had the ability now to praise the head chef. Though you would have normally find a way to make Seokjin's accomplishments small, you were actually happy with him as the head chef. That's how a friend should be acting! If Seokjin called you his friend then you're going to be a great friend! There's such thing as failing in your vocabulary!!

After watching Daeho and Haesung, you considered yourself a professional friend. You studied them enough to know the basics. It took a couple skills, but most of them were pretty easy to achieve. It seemed the most required qualities of a friend was honesty, love, and loyalty. Those were simple enough to follow. You're already quite honest to Seokjin and you've finally let go of the past. At this point, you're no longer considering stealing his job anymore. Mainly because friends don't do that to one another. You're pretty sure that counts for loyalty. As for love...that technically just means caring for and being supportive. Your progress on that? Well, you don't want him accidentally burning himself in the kitchen. That works!

With all those requirements checked off, you knew you were the best friend someone could have in existence. To be fair you were still quite awkward around the black haired male. You no longer felt annoyed by his presence, but you didn't know how to behave. It was a lot of you following along to his nonsense or judging his type of humor. It took you a bit to realize all you had to do was act normal. When Jackson considered you a friend, you accepted it with ease. He said it casually and you didn't have anything against him. Despite that, you've noted that you're definitely closer to Seokjin than you are with Jackson and you don't even know how you managed to do that.

You kept a close eye on the handsome head chef in the kitchen. He had his back facing you as he organized all the spices in the back cabinet. Everything was labeled which made organizing easy. They looked all neat lined up next to each other. It wouldn't be until tomorrow that it would be ruined. Some station chefs insisted that certain things stay at their station, but that couldn't happen. Jackson was adamant about everything being mise en place. He didn't care if they chef would use it again. It belonged stocked up with the rest. You were brushing the grills and you were almost done with scraping all the black off the steel grills. It was chipping away when Haesung walked out of the walk in fridge with a sweeper. Daeho was putting in all the aprons and chef coats in separate loads of laundry. Jackson was going to stay a little longer so he would deal with switching it over to the dryer.

"Are all the sanitizer buckets emptied?" Seokjin shouted, looking over his shoulder as he shut a cabinet.

"Only the one in my station is left," Haesung said. He was walking towards the dishwashing room to return the sweeper. Seokjin followed the boy to take the sanitizer bucket. The rest had all been emptied with each of the rags wringed out. Daeho stepped out of his area to watch Seokjin wipe down the prep tables.

"Is there an extra clean rag, Dae?" You asked.

"Yeah, hold on." Daeho turned around. He was gone for a few seconds before he appeared with a new white rag. You thanked him as you grabbed the towel. Haesung soon came up next to him while you went towards the sanitizer bucket. Seokjin shouldn't have to do this work alone. You dumped the towel in the sanitizer, wringing it enough so it wasn't dripping all over the place. Seokjin smiled once he saw you working on the opposite side of the kitchen. Two people working together is faster than one. It wasn't long before Seokjin and you finished wiping down all the surfaces. Haesung took it upon himself to dump out the sanitizer while Daeho put the cleaning rags into the dirty laundry.

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