Out In The Open

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It was Thursday now. Normally, you'd be happy that Sunday was drawing closer. It was the only guaranteed day off that you had. It was always something to look forward to except for the fact that the last week of the second month was coming to an end. Seokjin and you have already talked about missing Daeho briefly so you know better now. It's better to enjoy your time with Daeho now than worrying about the inevitable. As Seokjin said, there is no 'end'. Nothing will change between Daeho and you and things will continue. Even with your mind wanting to believe differently, you chose to listen to Seokjin since his words were what brought you most comfort.

That's one thing you've been realizing a lot lately. Seokjin tends to be crazy and extreme with his life advice and philosophies. Maybe you're exaggerating a tad, but that's only because the two of you see life very differently. Despite most of your beliefs being formed over years of life experience, you slowly found yourself liking a few methods Seokjin has. The occasional optimism doesn't hurt. For some reason you hold back on letting yourself feel emotions based on unstable things. By that, you meant you refused to rely on hope for anything. Just because you wish for something doesn't mean it'll come true. Life doesn't work that way so you always made sure to have a solid foundation to know your true outcome. Making a stable income for one thing, finding a decent place to live, and things of that nature.

You're an adult in this world and you've checked all the boxes that others see as respectable milestones. But there's one thing all the superficial boxes of being an adult can never truly grasp and that's having a healthy and matured mindset. That is what truly carries a person is what you've come to realize and you'd be lying if you said you've achieved it. Just when you thought you had everything figured out, Seokjin comes in with all his bullsh*t that was starting to make sense. It suddenly felt like you had to rebuild yourself all over again and it wasn't easy. Yet you felt more progress on yourself than ever before. Of course, there are still some things you're going to have your way but you're thankful towards Seokjin. It feels like he's figured it out.

Just watching him work in the kitchen proves it enough. It's hard to be upset about him being the head chef anymore at this point. Though you were still a bit bitter with how the situation came to be, you've come to see him as a perfect fit for the job. There was no big plan to kick him out of Délice anymore to become the head chef once and for all. You can wait for your turn whenever that time comes. For now, you'll be the best sous chef this city has ever seen! Not that you had much competition with the other restaurants here. As you've told Jackson many times before, you're basically head chef material already. The only thing is that you're still a sous chef.

"Three out on sirloin!"

"Three French onion soups on deck!" Seokjin moved the order along the docket. You were holding a small crate of onions, making your way over to the soup chef. They already had some of the soup prepared but it was best to get started on another fresh pot. It's one of the most popular dishes here at Délice.

"Can I get the relief cook?" You called out. Just in time, they swooped by to take your crate. They brought it over to the soup chef and got started on helping the preparation.

Good. It was nice to see the kitchen hard as work without anyone slacking. This job was extremely demanding. There was no question about that. It required you to be on your feet for so many hours, you were rarely home, and breaks were limited. There was so much more to it that a lot of people didn't see. All they see if their food once it gets placed onto their table. They probably don't think twice about the skill the chef has worked years on to consistently prepare their ordered dish. That was always something that flashed through your mind when you sent out a plate with a waiter. Maybe you just think too much.

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