Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Skip Takes The V

   Little did I know how quick my spring semester would come, and go. When it's time for my first spring break Joss invites me and Tess to come with her to The Hampton's for the week. I don't even have to think about it before I'm screaming, and jumping around hugging Joss in excitement.

   Joss and I spend the rest of the week rushing back to our dorm, after finishing our midterms, every afternoon to over pack, and gossip about the upcoming trip. Joss tried to explain how different The Hampton's are, and the people who live there. Only my starry eyed fantasies make the place seem even more unreal with her tales.

   By the time Friday rolls around I'm so excited to leave I can't sit still! Tess shows up at Joss and I's dorm a little after noon, and we don't wait around for much longer. Joss and I rush Tess back out of our dorm room just as quickly as she came in. Then down to Tess's car, so we can load our bags into the trunk. Before joining the other cars on the congested city street, and finally waving good-bye to the city less than an hour later.

   For the next two and a half hours the three of us talk, laugh, and sing along to the radio as Tess drives. When I finally spot the 'Welcome To The Hampton's' sign out of the back passenger window my excitement level hits an all time high! My eyes greedily take in the passing mansions, and over the top yachts everywhere I look. This must be what Joss tried to warn me about, but my simpleton upbringing could never have imagined seeing so much wealth on display!

   After fifteen minutes Tess turns off the road down a long stone driveway. Coming to a stop in front of a modest, compared to houses surrounding it, two story beach house that belongs to Joss's grandparents. Tess and I just gawk at the palace we get to call home for the next week as we bounce out of the car. Joss starts laughing at our childish antics while grabbing her bags from the trunk of the car, and walking inside the house first.

   Tess and I are quick to follow her. Grabbing our bags before rushing up the front steps into the lavish beach house. Joss leads us upstairs once we're in, so we can choose which room we want. I feel like I'm in an old episode of CRIBS as I follow behind both girls up the stairs, and into the first door I come to. Claiming this room for my own.

   As soon as I pass the threshold my feet stopped moving, and my jaw hit the floor. The room is massive! A king size bed dominates the center of the space. The walls are painted a light blue, and a light colored wood flooring to match. Both highlight the natural light streaming in from the french doors, and floor to ceiling windows making up the rest of the exterior wall.

   Across from the bed is a set of double doors that are open revealing an en-suite bathroom that's just as big, and full of light as the bedroom! The first thing you see when you wall in is a giant free-standing claw foot tub in the center of the room. Next to it is a glass shower big enough for four people, a small door hiding the toilet, then a double sink and mirror that takes up the entire wall. Everything looks so sleek and shiny I don't want to touch it!

   After gushing over everything in my room more than once I calm down enough to unpack my bag, and put it away. When I'm done with that I head back downstairs to meet up with the girls in the kitchen. I help Joss make the three of us a snack while we discuss our plans for the night. Before rushing back up the stairs like a herd of wild bulls after we've finished to start getting ready.

   In true Hampton fashion the first party Joss takes us to is at a gated mega-mansion swarming with people. Thanks to Joss's choice of a short, fitted pink maxi dress, and Tess's magnificent job with my makeup I actually look like I belong in this crowd, or maybe even better! Evident by all the heads turning to stare at us as we walk into the party arm in arm looking like a younger version of Charlie's Angels.

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