Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 It's Gettin' Hott In Here, So Take Off All Your Clothes!

  As a sort of midsummer celebration, and ode to the ungodly heat wave that has taken over New York City with no end in sight, August will be my first theme night at the club.


My Uncle got the play-on-words from the old, yet still famous, rap song from the early two-thousands, but they were truly corny! A genuine dad joke I've heard so much about in my opinion! But, obviously a great way to make people get naked. Go figure!

The weekend before opening night of the club Mel called me to go over some of the more finer details about the event. Everyone at the club was required to wear masks covering their faces that night, instead of just the GEM's. Each mask needed to be unique and different to match the wearers personality. Each year the members and GEM's would have an unspoken competition to see who could come up with the best one, and neither Mel or I wanted to lose!

Mel and I met up the next afternoon at the same sex shop she took me to before for some shopping. We spent the next two hours trying on all sorts of different style and shape masks on display. Trying to outdo the other with each new selection, and make the other laugh. Neither of us stopped until we were both on the floor holding onto each other so we wouldn't fall over laughing so hard we were crying.

In the end Mel and I found the perfect pieces of art just for us! Mel's looked just like the one from The Phantom Of The Opera. Solid white in color, and the jig-saw puzzle edge. Simple, and completely understated.

Mine, on the other hand, couldn't be more flashy, yet absolutely beautiful if it tried! It was a traditional Mardi Gras style mask. The base color was black with rhinestones running along the edge. There was a lite, royal blue pattern on top of the black, and a silver swirl designed to curve across the cheekbones.

Mel smiled in sheer delight as she swiped the club's credit card to pay. I gave her a questioning look, because I remember she told me she had to give that back when we finished shopping last month. She just shrugs like that should be enough.

"What?.." Mel asks me innocently, but the laughter is shining clearly from her eyes.

"Absolutely nothing." I tell her. That's one can of worms I'm not going to stick my foot in and open!

"That's what I thought!" Mel says to me, sounding cocky as she takes the receipt and bags from the clerks hands. "Thanks. Let's go buy some new shoes to match these babies. I mean that is the exact instructions I got when given this card, so that's what we are going to do!"

I laugh at her logic as she pulls me out of the door of the shop, and down the street to the shoe store. Mel and I spend about an hour inside before walking back out loaded down with even more bags. We decide to have a quick lunch at a small cafe around the corner.

While we eat, Mel and I make plans to meet up at her apartment next Saturday afternoon to get ready. Then share a cab to the club afterwards. We finish up about forty-five minutes later, and say our goodbyes.

The rest of the week seems to drag on. Until Saturday eventually arrives, and I'm a walking nervous wreck from the beginning. I take a shower, blow dry my hair, and put on one of my favorite outfits. A pair of ripped skinny jeans, off the shoulder sweatshirt, and a pair of black ankle boots. I take the bag with the shoes and mask inside with me out of the apartment, and into a cab. Arriving at Mel's around five o'clock that afternoon.

Mel insisted on doing my make-up and hair for tonight. That's why I didn't bother on doing any of it myself before leaving earlier, and after she opens the door, then scans the clean canvas she has to work with, her smile grows even bigger.

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