Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 The New Job Comes With A Big Sister

As soon as I walk out of the warehouse's big metal door I can't wait to get home and tell the girls my good news! I can't believe I've finally found a job! At this point I don't care who I'm working for, or what I have to do, I'm stoked!

I'm so excited I started screaming the good news as soon as I walk into the apartment almost an hour later. Both women are speechless at first, but quickly jump up from their same places on the couch they were in when I left, to engulf me in an excited hug.

Since it's still the weekend, the three of us decide to celebrate like rock stars for the rest of the night! Meaning, the three of us get comfortable back on the couch. Then ordered a small fortune of chinese take-out, and drink a bottle of wine between us. While I give them all the details of my meeting with Joe, the new job, and the agreement I made with my uncle to pay my tuition. Joss and Tess are both stunned at that last bit of information, but they don't dwell on it either.

"Don't look a gifted horse in the mouth. Know what I mean?" Tess gave me that nugget of advice during our third glass of wine.

To which Joss and I dissolve into hysterics, and Tess follows soon after. Then we spend the rest of the night trying to top one another with the worst piece of advice we've ever heard. While finishing off another bottle of wine, and crashing soon after.

The next morning I'm the first one to wake up again, so I silently make my way around the apartment getting ready for the day. Then fix myself a much needed cup of coffee, and two pieces of toast for lunch. I clean everything up once I'm finished. Before silently walking out the front door of the apartment, and down the street to my car. Opening the driver side door quickly and taking a seat.

This is the only place I could think of that can give me both quiet and solitude for what I have to do next. It's time for me to call mom, and break the news about me not coming home at all during the summer break.

I pull my phone from my pants pocket, and close my eyes as I take a deep breath. After a long moment I open my eyes, and start to shakily scroll through the contacts in my phone. Until I reach her number, and send up a silent prayer as I press call.

I hear the sound of the first ring come through my speaker and begin to panic. Quickly ending the call before Mom can answer. I stare down at the phone's screen in disbelief as the panic feelings inside me go crazy.

Before my brain can even process my options for what to do next, Mom is calling me back. I try to calm myself down fast before hitting the green accept icon.

"Hello?" I ask tentatively like I don't know who it is already.

"Hey baby! It's your mom. Or, have you forgotten all about me by now?" Mom asks trying to be funny.

"Of course I know who you are Mom. I could never forget you. Trust me. How are you?"

"I'm doing great baby, but it seems like I haven't talked to you in forever, though. I miss you! When are you coming home?" Mom said sending daggers straight to my heart.

I close my eyes again giving myself a moment before saying anything else. Then run my tongue across my lips wetting them. Finally I clear my throat a little and start to speak.

"I miss you too Mom so much, but I have some bad news."

Mom and I stay on the phone for the next hour talking. Thankfully she isn't as upset as I thought about me not coming home. It seems Shawn Greer, the guy she's been dating for months now, is taking her on a two week vacation the first part of July. Which is really great news! After being alone all these years I'm glad she's finally getting to enjoy life again!

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