Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The Aftermath

It feels like I just sat down when the Dean starts to speak. Causing me to turn my full attention toward him."Ms. Black, thank you for joining us."

I didn't trust myself to answer him with words, so I just nod my head up and down once. Before subtly waving him on with my fingers to keep going.

"It has come to our attention that Mr. Trevor Davis and yourself have turned in identical, if not the same, reports to Professor Moore as your final Economics paper. Do you know anything about this Ms. Black?"

The abundant feelings of dread and confusion inside me only seem to increase. "No, sir. I sent in my own paper almost a week before it was even due. I haven't seen the paper Mr Davis wrote, or turned in. We weren't around each other while working on them."

Before I even finish, Professor Moore is sliding two stacks of papers across the table towards me. One of them is  mine. It's covered in the same clear plastic sleeve I turned mine in with, and my information is clearly typed out on the cover sheet for all to see.

The other stack of papers has Trevor's name and information on the front page, but after that page it's complete shit! Each line is word for word the same as mine. All the way to the small typo I made in the middle of the third page, and didn't catch it before printing it out. My eyes feel like they're about to pop out of my head in disbelief. Unlike my anger that has reached an all new high I must say.

"Can you confirm the paper on the table is the one you turned in Ms. Black?" The Dean asks me as I'm nearing the end of reading Trevor's paper.

I close the folder once I'm finished, and let it fall to the table beside my own. I close my eyes tight, and gulp in a breath. "Yes, sir. That's my work." I whisper to the Dean feeling so small in this moment.

"Well then, you heard her yourself, Dean Harlow, Ms Black just confirmed it for everyone here. Now, can I take my son home for the remainder of the break, or do I need to get my lawyers on the phone? It's your choice Dean." The man I assume is Devon, Trevor's dad, says rather smugly.

He moves his challenging gaze past each of the individuals on the opposite side of the table. Stopping on the Dean and Professor Moore the longest. Before giving them a nod of his head, and standing up from his seat. Pulling the slimy bastard beside him up by the forearm. Then turning back to face the Dean, and giving him one more pompous smirk. Before both men get ready to leave the conference room no matter what the Dean decides.

"Of course, Devon. I'll call your office personally once I'm finished with this meeting with the decision." The Dean says to Devon as he gets up from his seat, coming around the table, and shaking  both Davis' men's hands. "Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to be here this morning Mr Davis. I appreciate it." 

"Anytime Dean, but maybe next time we can just stick with our weekly game of golf. This weekend, same time, same place. How does that sound to you, instead?" Mr Davis jokes letting Dean Harlow's hand go. The jackass of a man doesn't even wait for the Dean to answer him. Before turning around and walking out the door with his cowardly son in tow.

My eyes are glued to Trevor's back as he walks out the door. I let my active imagination run wild with so many different, yet satisfying, ways to make Trevor pay for this. Each new idea darker than the last. I can almost taste his blood on my fingers now!

I'm so caught up in my fantasies I don't even notice the Dean going back to his chair, and sitting down. Someone from that side of the table clears their throat, so I move my gaze to them. I give each of them a confused look. Until my eyes land of the Deans moving lips. I shake my head a bit to clear my brain, so I can focus, and finally tune in to what he's saying to me.   

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