Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 There Is Always A Man Before The Fall

     When starting off at either a college or university there are two fundamental truths you learn very quickly. First, don't expect to be accepted into each and every class you want, sign up for, or even share it with your friends. Second, there are two prerequisite courses every student must take, Public Speaking and Economics. Unless you are Einstein or Yousafzai, it's just a given you're going to hate them as well, so get them out of the way early!

   With the spring semester of my Sophomore year on the horizon it would seem it's my time to tackle that final challenge. Mandy and I signed up for the same Economics class while completing our schedules for the year. But, by sheer luck, it would seem Mandy and I get to take it together after all! I really couldn't care less if I had to sit through a two hour lecture every Tuesday and Thursday now. When I got that small piece of news it honestly felt like I hit the lottery!

   Mandy and I both have an eight o'clock class on the opposite side of campus from the Political Science Building on those days, but the bright side is we will always have a lunch date at least! After our first day back to classes Mandy and I were talking in our dorm later Monday night. We both are super excited to be sharing a class, but Mandy seems to be taking it a little far.

   As soon as she walked in this afternoon she's been going on and on about 'her plan' for tomorrow. Which consisted of getting to the building about fifteen minutes before class starts, and wait there for the other to show up. That way we will be sure to have a seat beside each other for the rest of the year. Matter of fact I think Bobbie Sue June said the same thing to me before on our first day of kindergarten. But, Mandy wouldn't let it go until I agreed in the end.

  On the very next Tuesday morning I make it to our designated spot outside of the Political Science Building at exactly nine forty-five. I look around for Mandy, but don't see her anywhere. The mass of students rushing past me into the building doesn't make it easy to spot her either!

  After standing there for awhile I notice my foot tapping from impatience without me noticing. My anxiety just increases with each minute that ticks by. Then the warning bell sounds from the opening doors behind me. I give up waiting then, and start walking up the stairs of the building to class.

  I come to a stop just inside the doorway of the lecture hall to look around. I spot a group of empty seats in the middle of the fourth row from the top and hurry to claim them. I shimmy down the aisle to the seat directly in the center sitting down. Then take my notebook and pen from my bag. Before placing it on the floor between my feet.

   The chair on my right groans as someone sits down. I figure it must be Mandy finally making it, so I turn to face her. With a welcoming, megawatt smile across my face. Instead my entire body froze instantly. Because it wasn't Mandy sitting there, but someone completely different!

   I feel my eyes grow huge from the surprise. "Holy Shit Balls, Batman!" I scream inside my head.

  The guy sitting beside me looks like a cover model straight from the cover of GQ, or something! He has sandy blonde, surfer style hair, with warm, brown eyes. Broad shoulders covered by a tight t-shirt. That also showcases his washboard abs. Most impressive of all though, you can tell he's tall even though he's sitting down at the moment.

  I didn't even realize I was staring at the Greek God, or for how long. Until the stranger breaks me from my daydream by chuckling at me. While offering his hand out between us in greeting. "I'm Trevor Davis."

  I watch the words pass over his kissable lips, and snap my mouth closed. I feel little pools of drool along the creases of my mouth, so I discreetly slide my tongue along the corners taking it away. "Nice to meet you, I'm Abbie Black." I put my hand in his, and try to stop the shiver from running down my spine from his skin touching mine.

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