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"You two! Get Austin! I'll deal with Adam!" The figure in front of us ordered.

Ben and I both nodded and turned our attention toward Austin.

"Don't like the new look, boys?" Austin asked, showing off his new form.

"It's dark, for one thing." Ben claimed.

"That doesn't matter! Let's take him out!" I yell.

I charge toward Austin at full speed and we clash our swords. His curved blade overpowers my two katanas.

I start to lose dominance, and he eventually kicks me in the leg and uppercuts me into the air. I hit the ground with a THUD, and Ben is now fighting him. I realized I only used brute force instead of fighting tactics. Ben trips Austin, making him fall on his back, and then Ben puts his boot on Austin's torso, keeping him down.

"Brute force isn't the way. Sometimes you have to use your surroundings and brain." Ben said, tapping the side of his helmet.

"Why don't we help Mr. Midnight Suit over there?" I ask.

Ben nods and he restrains Austin and we see the figure throwing smoke bombs.

Me and Ben turn on the thermal vision in our helmets and we see Adam, stumbling through the smoke. I run up and kick him in the shin, then Ben comes through and slashed his blade off his sword.

Adam falls to the ground, and after the smoke clears, the black figure ties up Adam and Austin then introduces himself.

"Commander Thunderstorm, at your service. I heard my old friends counterpart was in danger, so I picked up the alert and came right over."

"Nice to meet you, Thunderstorm. I'm your friends counterpart, and this is my partner, Ben."

"I know Ben already, but you look so much like your counterpart, almost like you are twins."

"So I've been told." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, do you know how to cure Adam and Austin?" Ben asks.

"It's only a formula to put them in stasis for a bit. Get into their heads, you know." Thunderstorm said, taking our two vials.

"Inject then and we'll await further instructions." I say.

"Yes, sir." Thunderstorm said, saluting.

I head toward the edge of the castle, and I lean against the tower, thinking about what I'm going to do.

I eventually sit down, and I find something in my pocket. It's my doppelgängers dagger, with a note attached to it.

Hello, Isaac. I don't know if you will find this note, but I gave you my dagger because it has a hidden ability. Once bonded with someone's heart and spirit, the dagger enlarges and your body evolves. I've only ever accessed it once, and I almost died. The clerics on my team healed me, but I was crippled for a while, unable to fight. I want you to use this in case there's ever an extreme emergency. It has one more use.

Your friend, Isaac.

"That's wack." I say to myself.

I get up, out the dagger away, and keep the note.

Thunderstorm seems to be done.

"Now we wait. It should kick in in about-" suddenly Adam awoke and started growling.

He started moving violently and eventually broke out his binds, and he targeted me. His eyes were a dark purple, and his skin a blue violet.

"Hello again, Shadowstorm." he growls.

Suddenly Shadowstorm takes over my body, and he starts talking.

"Blaze? How are you accessing Adams body without transforming him?"

"Oh, I'm not your friend. He's gone. You don't remember me? I'm the dark sage."

"Shadowstorm, get into Adams head and find the source of this." I telepathically say to Shadowstorm.

"Yes, my lord." he says.

(Shadowstorm POV)

I get into Adams head, and when I arrive in his thoughts, everything is black and purple. I look around and eventually and see Blaze. He's towering above me on a small hill. He has Adam's sword in his hand.

"I will rip you apart, dark sage." I challenge.

Blaze doesn't speak. I summon my blade, a curved purple sword with spikes on the edges of the blade. Sort of like a spiked baseball bat.

I run up and swipe at Blaze, but he teleports behind me and kicks me back.

"We playing hide and seek now?" I ask. "Shadow Port!"

I fall through the ground and come back into a tree. Blaze is looking around, and eventually spots me before I throw my sword and impale him. He falls backward, and the corpse dissipates, and the world goes back to its normal state, too bright in my opinion.

Blaze, as his normal self, falls from the sky and lands on his feet and looks around.

"Shadowstorm! I can't tell you how glad I am to see you!" he exclaims.

"Don't mention it. How's your head?"

"Still a little fuzzy. What even happened?"

"Short version, Adam went crazy after you were possessed and I had to come in and rescue you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Isaac." I say, quickly leaving.

I come back to Isaac, Thunderstorm and Ben as they're fighting Adam, hand to hand.

"And 3, 2, 1." I say, and Adam falls over.

(My POV)

"Thanks, Shadowstorm. Adam did not retire his energy." I panted.

"He should be back up in a few minutes."

I look over at Austin, and he's out cold.

"I guess because Austin doesn't have an animal inside of him, he can't be possessed." Ben claims.

Suddenly I hear a roar, and I look up to see a blue and white dragon, and he lands near me, and I jump back and was about to pull out my Katanas before Ben gets in my way.

"Calm down! That's Dominic! He's a friend of ours!" he yells, spreading his arms out.

"How do you befriend a dragon?" I ask, sheathing my blades.

"We fought him while he was under a spell."

"Hello, travelers! Are you lost? You look lost." the dragon says.

"It can speak?"

"Can't all dragons?" Dominic asks.

"Dominic? Can you bring us to Nimbus? I have a friend waiting there." Thunderstorm says

"Sure thing! Hey, what happened to those two?" Dominic asks, pointing his nose toward Adam and Austin.

"They'll be fine. Tie them up and strap them to the saddle." Thunderstorm orders.

Me and Ben strap them to the saddle and we get on Dominic. I hesitate before I get on, but Dominic lowers his head.

"Team leaders get the front row seat!" he explains, happily.

I was confused at first, but Ben says I get to ride on his head.

"Thanks, Dominic." I say.

"No problem!"

We launch into the air, and the acrophobia is kicking in a bit, but I do my best to conceal it.

I have the strangest feeling in my head, and suddenly, in purple letters, the sentence I will find you appears on my arm, then disappears, but there is a small sign in the shape of a lighting bolt on the back of my hand. I wonder what that could mean...

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