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Dominic eventually dropped us off at Nimbus and flew off. Thunderstorm led us toward a factory, but as I was about to step it, I got a humongous headache and my body started tingling, eventually burning with pain. I fell to my knees, my hands on my head, and the three others turned around.

"Isaac! You alright?" Adam asked, helping me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't think Shadowstorm likes this place. I'll hang back, you guys go with Thunderstorm."

Adam was hesitant, but then he went inside, and I hung outside. I was sitting on the ground up against the building when something truly weird happened.

I got another headache then my vision turned red, and the next thing I knew, Shadowstorm was standing right in front of me. I finally got a look on how Shadowstorm truly looks. He's completely black, with red eyes, and terrifying red claws, with red wings and a chain around his neck.

"I'd thought we'd never meet face to face." he said, kneeling down and holding out his hand. I took it and he pulled me onto my feet.

"Come, I want to show you something."

He led me to another building, and he started pressing buttons on one of the consoles.

"Hey, don't do that, you might-"

I was interrupted by a huge boom, and suddenly there were two Shadowstorms. One next to me, and one in a capsule.

"What the heck?"

"Memories from the console. Watch."

Suddenly a man walked up, wearing glasses and a menacing look.

"Shadowstorm, creation 685, I want you to go to New Lumos and destroy the boy who foiled the Darkest Lords plans."

I turned to the present Shadowstorm.

"You were created?"

I turned back to the presentation, and it changed to me, the other one, on the ground, and Shadowstorm above him, both looked battered and bruised.

"I will complete my mission. You deserve to die."

"Do you not understand? Me and my team stopped the dark curse from taking over the world!" the other me shouted,

"The Dark Curse knew order, you know nothing, as you are nothing but a little boy in a costume." Shadowstorm challenged.

"Does a little kid do this?"

Suddenly Isaac took out his dagger and he was struck by a huge lighting bolt, transforming. He suddenly has purple wings, a long coat, black visor, and a sword with a moon symbol on the hilt.

"The power of the moon takes over and I am the Lunar phantom!" he screamed.

"I will rip you apart!" Shadowstorm screamed.

He rushed at Isaac, but he was stopped by just his hand, touching his hand.

Suddenly Shadowstorm fell to the ground, and he looked up.

"Where am I?"

"You are Shadowstorm, ancient protector of the gods. You were in the middle of introducing yourself."

The visual changed back to the present.

"He wiped your mind?" I ask the present Shadowstorm.

He nodded and left the building. I followed him out.

"I've been meaning to tell you, but I fear you will try to control me."

"Shadowstorm, why would you think that?" I ask.

Miitopia: A Ninja's PathWhere stories live. Discover now