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Blaze and I followed Shadowstorm up to the entrance ground floor of the SkyScraper, and that's where he stopped.

The door was wide open.

"That door is supposed to be closed. Someone's here." Shadowstorm growled.

"I sense their presence too." Blaze added.

"Let's head in and get to the apex." I order.

They follow me in and we see a staircase, but as soon as we try to get onto it, something whooshes behind us.

We all look behind ourselves, but as we turn back around, there's a giant robot standing in front of us.

"Jump!" I yell.

We all jump in separate directions as the robot smashes its fist onto the floor, smashing the fragile material.

"Intruders identified. Isaac, Shadowstorm and Blaze."

"Looks like Alvah made it so the robot knows who we are." Blaze growled.

"Let's take him out!" I yell, throwing a shuriken at it.

The robot catches the shuriken, but I programmed that one to cause a smokescreen.

I run toward it at full speed, turning on my thermal camera in my visor, and I was about to stab the weak point in the leg, before I was hit by a giant energy cannon. The blast hit me back to the wall, and I was nearly unconscious.

I hit it with such impact I might've broken a bone.

Shadowstorm and Blaze were doing their best, but suddenly they were thrown across the room, opposite of me.

The robot started charging the energy cannon, and suddenly it fired upon my friends, but they escaped a split second before it fired.

I find the courage to stand up, and the robot turns to me.

"Say goodbye, ninja."

"I will not perish until all forces of evil from this world are obliterated! If I die trying, at least I went down with a fight!" I screamed.

Suddenly I started glowing a shining white.

I put my hands into a stance where it looked like I was holding a ball, and I held the position at my hip.

"I call the power of ancient times! Shuriken Swarm!" I yell.

I thrust my arms out in front of me, and suddenly countless shurikens come out from behind me and impale the robot.

The robot eventually is battered and bruised, and it falls to the ground.

I collapse onto the floor, and I pass out, all my energy spent for that move.

I wake up the find Blaze waving his paw in my face, and his voice is distant.

"Isaac? You alright?" he asks.

I sit up straight, and I rub my head.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm good. That laser burnt my scarf a little, but I can sew it back."

"That's good. Where's Shadowstorm?" I ask.

Blaze turns around and points across the room, and Shadowstorm is dismantling the robot.

"Shadowstorm, you might get electrocuted, don't do that."

"I'm fine, Isaac. I'm trying to find the central control unit. I feel there's going to be more of these, so if I can figure out where their off switches are, we can defeat them."

Miitopia: A Ninja's PathWhere stories live. Discover now