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I had been stuck in the basement of this guy named Haz's house for three days, at least that's what he told me. I couldn't tell, though. The basement I was in didn't have any widows. It was completely underground. No light ever came through so the only light I had was the blue one that was kept on me most of the time. The only time it was shut off was when Haz fed me.

The first day I was there, after Haz came back down after a man from upstairs calling his name, I felt a horrible urge to use the bathroom and when I told Haz, he freaked out.

"Fuck I don't want to make you piss yourself!" He had shouted.

He eventually brought out a bucket and embarrassingly enough, he had to help me out. It was quite awkward, my position. His touch was soft and gentle, of course, but it just felt...odd. The first couple of times he did it, I cried a bit. No one, besides myself, had ever touched me there before. He continuously apologised every time it happened. Probably because he realised I cried some. But why would he even care? I mean, he kidnapped me. Usually when you watch a movie where someone is kidnapped, they're beaten and starved. Strangely, I wasn't. The guy, Haz, was just...different.

Haz, oddly enough, was super nice. He fed me every time I asked and helped me out when I need to use the bucket or when I had an annoying itch somewhere. He didn't hit me, not once. He just wasn't like captors in the movies, and maybe that's why I just wasn't as terrified as I should have been.

After he fed me breakfast that morning, I decided to speak up and ask him questions.

"So Haz," I said, letting his name slip out. Before I could even continue he backed away from me and harshly asked, "How do you know my name?"

"I-I heard that person the other day say it," I said, fearing he might decide to hit me.

"O-Oh," he said, starting to calm down. "Okay. Alright, that's fine."

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered.

"No, babe, it's fine," he said. "I just..." He sighed. "I just thought you, you know, I thought you figured out who I was." I raised my eyebrow, looking at his outline in the dark. He can't see you, stupid.

"So are you saying I know you?" I asked.

"Kinda," he said, brushing it off and heading upstairs. I sighed then threw my head back and went to sleep.



"In other news, local student Niall Horan went missing Tuesday night after going with his friend to the ASDA on Watford Street. Horan was reported last seen wearing a grey shirt, white cardigan, faded, ripped at the knees, black jeans, and white converse. A description was recently sent out saying that Horan is a nineteen year old student at London University, has dyed blonde hair, blue eyes, is 5'8, and basically small for his age. Call (*insert random UK number*) if you have any information on the disappear of the young man."

I watched the news everyday after Niall's disappearance. It was always the same; they gave information on Niall and no one ever called. I couldn't stand it. My best friend was missing and I couldn't do a thing about it.

Ashton, Calum, Michael, and I went out looking for Niall. Day four, and still nothing. The guys would try to cheer me up, but it was hopeless. I felt like utter shit without my Niall.

"We'll find him," Michael told me, "I promise."

"Don't make a promise that you can't keep," I whispered back, tears brimming my eyes.

"I'm being serious, Li," he told me. "We're going to find Niall."

"What if we don't?" I asked, the tears slipping down my cheeks.

"Just think positive," Calum told me. "Go by your own words, mate."

"They say if you don't find a missing person with a few days they're probably dead," I whispered harshly. "He could be dead!"

"He isn't dead, Liam!" Ashton shouted. "Just stop! I refuse to believe Niall is dead! He's alive and that's what I choose to believe, even if we never find him." I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I apologised. "It's just, Niall and I have been best friends since we were like...six. He's so important to me."

"We know," Michael whispered. "Just think positive and stay calm. We'll find him. I just know it."

"I hope you're right."

"I know I am."


Crying cause the guys are so sweet!

So @lovely_storan made a manip of Michael and Liam and OMFG. It's on the side here so enjoy :D

Girl Almighty is so YES am I right or am I right? niall and Louis's voices give me strength. Ugh.

OK so I will update again ASAP. It may not be until the weekend cause right now I'm stressing over school cause it's a bitch. But no matter how annoying school gets, I will be here to update because I'm not going to be an asshole and leave you guys in suspense for half a year. XD

Follow me on Instagram if you'd like to be kept updated on when I update cause sometimes Wattpad notifications don't work. (@NarrysXFactor) (:


~Taylor :*

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