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We spent hours searching for Niall, no luck. It didn't really help that we had absolutely no clue where to search. We were left with literally nothing.

"How about we go eat?" Louis suggested. "We've been searching for a while now, and I don't know about all of you, but I'm starved."

"Yeah, I could use a good meal," Greg added. We all agreed and headed out to McDonald's for some quick takeout. After ordering and getting our food, we headed back to the hotel that Niall's family and Louis was staying at.

"So do you still have to go to class?" Louis asked, placing some chips in his mouth.

"Duh," I told him. "I don't get out of class because my friend is missing."

"That's dumb," he mumbled.

"Uh so are you, you know, into anyone here?" He asked me suddenly as we continued to eat.

"Uh yeah," I whispered, a light blush making its way across my cheeks.

"Oh," he said in a monotone voice. "Who?"

"Michael," I whispered, gesturing over to the silly boy with dyed red hair and a cure eyebrow piercing.

"He's alright," Louis stated.

"He's amazing," I pointed out. Louis quickly changed the subject and went back onto Niall. Huh. Weird.



"How long have you and Harry been together?" Luke asked me one evening while we were walking to the bakery to get some treats. We were able to get stuff for free because Harry worked there and wouldn't deny us free goods.

"Eh...five years now I think," I told him.

"Oh," he said bluntly. "Wow that's...much longer than I thought."

"Yeah, everyone says that. I know I treat him like shit, but it's just so hard not to! He's such a...such a wimp! He looks like some big hardass, being taller than myself and buff and covered in stupid, meaningless tattoos. But he isn't. He's a wimp. He won't steal, he won't drink, he won't smoke, he won't fight, nothing! I don't understand him." I shook my head as we entered the bakery.

"Annie!" I shouted. She soon came out from the kitchen and rushed over to us.

"Zayn!" She said, hugging me. "Good to see you, lad! And who's this?"

"This is my mate, Luke," I told her.

"Nice to meet you," Luke said, shaking her hand.

"So what can I do ya for?" She asked me.

"Can I speak with Harry?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh Harry isn't here," she told me. "He hasn't been here in a few days. He called and claimed he was sick. I figured you'd be at his taking care of him."

"Oh well he didn't tell me he was sick." I was angry. My own boyfriend hadn't told me he was sick. The trip to the bakery was obviously a huge waste. Luke and I could've been out stealing shit, but instead we went in hoping for food.

"He probably just didn't want you to worry," she told me, laughing it off. I threw in a fake laugh and agreed.

"Well thanks Annie," I said as Luke and I headed out. "Take care and tell Davy I said hello!"

"So where are we going now?" Luke asked.

"To Harry's," I told him. "That boy is so gonna get it."


Special update because I hit 3k reads! :D You guys are so cool! I would just like to thank One Direction (HARRY) for making this weird but cool af song.

I'll update again ASAP. I just wanted to thank you guys for reading and voting and commenting. It means so much to me. I didn't think this story would ever get this much attention. Hell, I never thought it would end up getting more attention than my first story so this is a big surprise.

I love you.

Stay classy.

~Taylor :*

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