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Day 4 of Snowbarry Week 2019 - free day. Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm going with a little something different today, posting two shorter snippets of a larger story I'm working on that sorta reworks the show as if Barry and Caitlin were love interests from the beginning. Couldn't figure out which one to do so I figured I'd do both since they're short. The first one here takes place after 4.18, the second after 5.19.

All Hope Lost, Melted Away

A.N. Day 4 of Snowbarry Week 2019 - free day. This is a bit of a preview snippet of a multi chapter fic I've been working on for a while that pretty much rewrites the show as if Snowbarry were the main couple from the beginning. For the purposes of the theme week I've changed a few things around so when I finally (hopefully, eventually) get everything for the larger fic together and out and posted, some things in this particular section may or may not stay the same. For now it's just a cute little Snowbarry oneshot. Little bit of background, Caitlin gave birth to Ronnie's daughter (Keegan) before Barry even woke up from the coma in season 1. Very few people knew about Keegan for a long while, as Caitlin wanted to protect her and keep safe but eventually everyone found out. Barry and Caitlin have been together for awhile at this point. This little snippet takes place right after DaVoe "took away" Frost for awhile in the later episodes of season 4.

Caitlin paced the floor between her living room and kitchen, rocking and trying to soothe her crying daughter in her arms. "Sshhh, it's okay baby girl. Mommy's here. Mommy's got you."

Keegan kicked and screamed, pushing away from her mother. "No Mommy, I want Mumma!" She pulled and tugged at Caitlin's brunette locks as if doing so would change the hair to white.

Caitlin's heart dropped, a sob escaping her own lips. She stopped pacing and held Keegan closer, closing her eyes to will the tears away. The bruises from her impact with the wall earlier that night when DeVoe hurled her across the room ached as Keegan's tantrum grew stronger. And the emptiness she'd felt ever since wreaked havoc on her soul. Killer Frost was gone, and at this point there didn't seem any hope of getting her back.

"Mumma, I want Mumma!" Keegan screamed, tugging Caitlin's hair harder.

Caitlin winced, hugging Keegan tighter. "I'm so sorry, baby girl, but I can't. Mumma's lost, I don't know how to get her back."

Keegan stopped kicking and crying for a moment, just staring deep into her mother's eyes. She let go of the dark hair and buried her face in Caitlin's shoulder, the fresh tears soaking into the fabric. "Mumma! Mumma!"

Caitlin rubbed her daughter's back, her own tears falling down her face as they mourned Frost together. Keegan continued to bawl, her voice getting lower and louder. "I know, Mommy's sad too. I wish I could let her out for you, I really do." There was an anxious knock at the door she barely heard over Keegan's crying, and a familiar voice.


Caitlin sniffled, going over to the door to unlock and open it. She burst into tears again at the sight of the person on the other side of the door, leaning into him.

"Cait, sweetie, what's wrong?" Barry wrapped his arms around both of them, kissing the top of her head and he gently took Keegan from her. Keegan, still crying, barely noticed.

Caitlin wrapped her arms around herself, sniffling again. "I can't get her to calm down, I don't know what to do. I can't give her what she wants."

"What does she want?" Barry rocked the toddler.

"She wants . . . her." Caitlin's voice squeaked.

"Mumma!" Keegan wailed again, pushing away from Barry now.

Snowbarry Week 2019Where stories live. Discover now