Our Souls They Blend

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A.N. Day 7 of Snowbarry Week 2019 - last day! Little bit of a different ending for the third season finale. She's not Caitlin or Frost - she's both, unsure of who she is now. And when she leaves Central City after HR's funeral, she's not alone. Their journey began as enemies, turned to partners and then lovers, and now they'll be together as one on the road to redemption self-discovery. Title comes from the song "Can't Pretend" by Tom Odell.

She's going through Caity's - no her - clothes when there's a knock on the door. Really she needed to figure out who she was soon if only for referring to herself in her head. She really wasn't Caitlin or Killer Frost but she was still both too.

It was all just too confusing, and definitely nothing she was going to figure out with Team Flash breathing down her neck constantly.

She rolled her eyes when the knocking got louder, pushing strands of white hair out of her face. "Yeah, yeah . . . I'm coming geez."

She sighed, discarding yet another unfortunate piece of her wardrobe in the pile she'd designated as 'trash'. She looked down at the ratty old college t-shirt, sweats, and fuzzy socks shrugging. Whoever it was could deal with her baggy clothes - she'd been in that damned uncomfortable dress and boots for weeks and now she just wanted to relax.

Holding one hand at her hip as an ice dagger formed, she cautiously made her way to the door. She may not be afraid of much but she wasn't stupid, knew how many enemies she had as both Caitlin and Killer Frost.

She slowly unlocked the door, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips as the wood creaked. "What the . . ."

Out of anyone she'd expected to find on the other side of her door, he was the very last person in all the timelines and multiverses and earths she ever expected to find. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the familiar face, marred with the same scars.

"No friggin way, you're dead." Her jaw dropped as her body tensed, raising the ice dagger she gripped tighter, an identical one forming in her other hand.

"Yeah well there's a lot of that going around." He drawled. "If I recall, you died once too - not that long ago actually. No, wait - that was Caitlin. Though I must say this outfit is definitely more Caitlin than Killer Frost."

"Caity's still very much alive, as is Killer Frost." She shrugged, raising an eyebrow. He regarded her with an amused smirk. "What do you want, Savitar? How are you still alive - Iris shot you and you exploded into nothing."

"I'd say world domination, but that plan didn't exactly go as planned." Savitar rolled his eyes, leaning against her door frame. "As far as the how's and why's . . . still not really sure on that myself. I was written out of the timeline, I shouldn't be here. But alas . . . Woke up on the edge of the city with a killer headache and that fuzzy hangover feeling."

"That doesn't make sense." She shook her head.

"Nothing in our lives ever make sense." He shrugged.

She held up the daggers, her grip tight. "So why are you here at my door? Revenge?"
"Because you betrayed me?" He shook his head. "None of that matters anymore. I lost my shot, it's over. Ancient history. Besides, I know the strength of the bond you have with Cisco and the others. It was a mistake on my part to think otherwise."

"Bullshit." She was still tense. "You expect me to believe you're not here to kill me?"
"I'm really not." He held up his hands in surrender. "Whether you believe it's true or not. Either way, I couldn't if I wanted to - I'm not a speedster anymore. You'd freeze me to death before I could even attempt to do anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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