Let's Go Home

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Day 6 of Snowbarry Week 2019 - "family unit." A companion piece of sorts to my day 4 (Snippets), more of the longer Snowbarry story I'm working on. This one takes place following the events of 4.05.

A.N. Title comes from the song "Hold On" by Chord Overstreet. This is a bit of a snippet of a multi chapter fic I've been working on for a while that pretty much rewrites the show as if Snowbarry were the main couple in focus. For the purposes of the theme week I've changed a few things around so when I finally (hopefully, eventually) get everything for the larger fic together and out and posted, some things in this particular section may or may not stay the same. For now it's just a cute little Snowbarry oneshot. Little bit of background, Caitlin gave birth to Ronnie's daughter (Keegan) before Barry even woke up from the coma in season 1. Very few people knew about Keegan for a long while, as Caitlin wanted to protect her and keep safe but eventually everyone found out. Barry and Caitlin have been together for awhile at this point. This particular section takes place in season 4 right after Norvok and Amunet came after Caitlin/Frost in episode 5 - Barry and Caitlin are going to pick Keegan up from her grandparents.

"You ready for this, Cait?" Barry reached over to take hold of her hand, keeping his focus on the road in front of him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Caitlin mumbled, her voice tinged with anxiety. As ready as she could be, about to lay eyes on and hold her daughter for the first time in almost a year. She'd told Ronnie's parents to take Keegan out of the city shortly before Frost had taken over, worried to death that either Savitar or Frost would go after her daughter. But now that Savitar was gone and Frost wasn't as immediate a threat, Caitlin ached to hold her daughter again. Even so, she was still terrified despite her friends telling her not to worry. "You have the meta cuffs right? Just in case?"

"Babe, Frost won't do anything to hurt Keegan or the Raymonds and we both know it. She saved your life, remember?" Barry told her.

"I know and I promised her things would be different and we'd learn to coexist and trust each other but I just . . ." Caitlin trailed off. It had been rough for Cailtin those months away from Keegan, the worst of her life. Dying, Killer Frost taking over and working with Savitar, on the run working with Amunet.... She regretted all of it, but now she was back. She and Barry were working on their relationship, and she and Frost were learning control.

"You're worried about your child, it's perfectly natural." Barry squeezed her hand, pulling into the Raymond's driveway.

"The worrying never stops." Caitlin sighed, nodding.

"I do believe they call that parenting." He turned off the car and leaned back in the seat, chuckling. She rolled her eyes, also laughing, and let go of his hand to hit him in the chest. He shook his head, smirking. "I'll allow that "abuse" on the grounds that your inner-momma-bear is cranky and needs her cub - but don't think I won't get you back with a firm tickling later, Dr. Snow."

"We'll see about that, Mr. Allen." She countered, winking at him. Despite her fears, it felt so good for them to somewhat get back to their comfortable bickering after their time apart. Even so, her hands shook as they got out of the car and walked together up to the house. "Ugh I'm so excited and nervous it feels like my blood is buzzing. Not unlike the day she was born, actually."

"Soon, momma, any moment she'll be back in your arms. You can do this, Cait. I'll be right here with you every second." Barry wrapped his arm around her as she pushed the doorbell.

"You're so good to me." She leaned against him, drawing so much strength from him. "I'm still not sure about the whole having more kids thing for obvious reasons, but if I were - hypothetically - there's no one else but you I'd want next to me to do it. And this calm and collected and supportive Barry I see right now would definitely be the best birthing partner."

Snowbarry Week 2019Where stories live. Discover now