Chapter 18

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I melted inside after we spread apart from our kiss becasuse after we did kiss I still felt like Harry was just a dream from inside because this boy that I haven't seen in forever has came in again and swept me off my feet.

I mean who does that?

All that I know is that, Prince Charming is the only boy that I have only seen to do it.

I mean he is charming and dreamy right?

Thats what every boy wants!

So that is the way that I feel around  the boy right in front of me.

But is this the right thing?

Or do I still love Harry?

No matter what the cost?

Or am I just kidding mysefl at the moment?

He looked over at me and smiled an adorable smile that made my heart flutter even more because not only did he make me flutter inside but he also was adorable and he was so much better then Harry, but was he?

Who was I kidding, he was so much better!

He looked at me and smiled ''Want to go out for super today?'' He shyly asked me.

''I would love to but first just let me get ready and I will meet you there at 6'' I told him.

''Of course'' He smiled kissing me on the cheek.

He left and when he turned back around he smiled widley at me and closed the door whispering just right that I could just picture them out ''I love you.''

Did he really mean it?

Did he really love me?

Or was he joking just like Harry was when he told me that ( well promised me for that fact) until he left and cheated.

Did I really deserve it?

Or was I just joking myself all of this time? Why didn't I leave sooner when I could have!

But would that have been the right thing?

I opened the cloest and started looking around for the right outfit  ( a dress for that fact) but I just knew that it had to be perfect, because after all this was my second and probably last chance at love.


I looked in the mirror my petite black and red dress snug on my hips, my hair in small little curls with a flower clipped in the back for my bangs, the dress came down to my knees and small black high heels on my feet.

I walked down the stairs and my Mother looked at me a glimmer in her eye '' Have fun tonight.'' She told me.

'' Thanks'' I smiled walking out of the door and turning back around smiling at my Mother.

I got in the car turning on the radio and the song ''Rather be'' turned on.

This was literally my jam!

''Theres no place I would rather be'' I yelled into the open air.

Soon enough, after a long time of singing and jamming out of the radio with tons and tons of diffrent songs I soon came up to the resturant.

It looked all fancy like...

Like some old people would come here on dates.

What is with this place?

It also smelt like coffee for some odd reason.

I walked in tugging on my dress and my eyes looked around until they laid on him and I smiled walking over to him and sitting down elegantly.

''You look beautiful tonight'' He complemented.

''Well thank you, you dont look to bad yourself'' I winked.

He only winked back at me.

''So about that Harry guy..'' He rammered on.

I felt weird talking about him because did he really need to know about my love life, that was well.... Personal?

''Theres nothing you need to know about him'' I smiled hoping that he would take that as a good answer and move on.

Before he could say anything else...


Was I dreaming?

Or was this really happening right now?

Standing right in front of me.



Hey guys!

Well here is your next update!

Question of the day:

Who do you think is standinf in front of the window?

Please comment and vote!

It means alot to me and I really really really really love to read your comments and the votes put a big smile on my face!

Heres proof:



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