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I ran around the house trying to hide away from Harry for we were playing a game of hide and seek and I didn't want him to find me because I just knew that he would come and tickle me, for that was all that he liked to do now Days, tickle and make me laugh.

But how was much time has past?

2 years to be exact...

Want to know how it's going and what happened?


Why don't I just tell you!

Well after i told him that I loved him we moved into an apartment once we had gotten enough money ( till we did have enough money we lived at my mom's house) But at least were out of there now and have our own place!

I love him so so so so much!

I cant imagine life without him.

It would truly be nothing.

Now i'm just wating for that moment that he proposes, which I actually think is soon since we have been together for quite awhile now actually....

I just want to know if he's ready to commit.

Because i sure know. That I am...

He then apperaed out of nowhere and scared me but instead of tickling me i saw a ring in his hold instead.

''Will you marry me?'' He asked holding the ring.

I ran into his arm.

This is my forever.

My destiny.


It is now officially complete!

I hope that you all liked it as much as me!

Thanks guys!

Love ya!


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