The Journey

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I was full of energy as I walked back to the house. Everything seemed to encourage me. A part of me which went solo after my junior college reawakened. I used to be a member of the literary club and poetry was my language.

I looked down and the earth spoke to me,
that a pinch of it may seem meager yet uncountable,
that to some it is considered filth why to some it is wealth,
that for everything we have, we choose what to make out of it. Therefore in my relationships i should pay special attention to value.,

I refused to waver and assumed we didn't have that conversation. As i took some more steps the tree beside me began to whirl. I looked astonishingly and saw it smile. It looked tired with almost all its roots on the earth's surface. I was wondering if it had a message too and of course it did.

It spoke to me about responsibility. That I shouldn't consider or fear the burden of a relationship, that i should be more worried about promise; that one way or the other, i am relied upon.

At this point i had cold feet. It all started making sense to me, something grand was hitting home and i was getting all the prep I required. Nature was in its way helping out for a beautiful beginning. As i took a step to continue my walk home a leaf dropped dead right before me and the Mother tree added "i tried my best but still had to let her go, there comes such instances where no matter how you try; you cannot change anything. Learn to accept overwhelming facts.

I hurried home in a pace that made it look like i just appeared at the gate. As soon as i got in, I sighed heavily while thanking God. I was hoping that was the end of all the prep talks. Then it happened again! A brooding hen came running towards food, she starve herself for days just to keep her eggs well and safe. The small shot she has on food to stay alive was now. She started pecking and then came a mother hen in search of food for her hatchlings, she chased after the brooding hen and guarded the food as her chicks fed.

Could this mean dominance? Protectionism or Savagery? I wondered what the message in it was but had no idea. I went into the room and jumped on the bed. The air conditioner has been on throughout the night till then so the room was freezing. I couldn't turn it off since that was how my friends preferred it, i was alone.

As i covered with a blanket, the word RATIONAL just kept crossing my mind. I tried sleeping and RATIONALE joined the beat. Then i heard a cock crow and thought of the hens earlier, they were the ones. I should be rational in my judgement and seek authentic rationale in doing so. That been deciphered I hurriedly used the breathing technique to fall asleep.

My phone vibrated while i was deep in my sleep. I reluctantly picked it up and as i saw my caller i dropped the phone, it was one of my roommates in school. The phone vibrated for the second time and i ignored it. The call persisted, for the third time now and i angrily sat up to answer the call and find out what is so important that can't wait for my return call. To my greatest surprise, the caller was "mystery girl".

Dear God of happiness, it was my own Niqabee calling. I picked up and cleared my throat before talking and as i said hello, she replied "Assalam alaikum". I felt embarrassed but managed to respond "Amin wa alaikum salaam". She asked if i had said my afternoon prayers and i said no why? She said because the time was almost 2pm and i sound like someone who just woke up. I confirmed to her that i just woke up and she asked me to say my prayers and call her back afterwards.

I went to the bathroom, performed ablution and felt I couldn't wait the time to mosque and back before calling her again. After all the congressional prayer has already been said. I prayed in the room and called her back. She picked and for the first time since i met her she sounded disturbed. She asked how comes i already called back and i told her i just finished saying my prayers. She told me she wasn't convinced because the time was short and i told her i prayed in the room. She told me it was wrong and I shouldn't do it again which i told her i will try not to. She then asked if i was doing anything and i said "Yes" talking to her and she laughed. She said she was serious and i told her i wasn't doing anything why was she asking? She then said she was going to get something at the provision store and her sister wasn't willing to accompany her. I felt my ears pointing up like a puppy responding to a whistle. I asked her when she was planning to go and she said anytime i am ready. I told her i am outside already and she laughed again then said she will wait for me outside.

I picked from my friends cologne and applied on my body, it didn't feel enough so i sprayed perfume on my clothe and still added my small Arabian Oud which i always kept in my pocket for emergencies. My friends noticed my rush and asked "maza ya ne wai? Ko Gomna za ka na gani sai haka wanga kamshi?" I replied "baza ku gane ba yanzu kam" and zoomed out.

I met her already in front of her house and she attacked me with a question. "Am i a gentleman?". I jokingly answered "Maybe a recruit, i am still learning the craft" and she said "You kept me waiting". I apologized and she asked me again. "You're walking me for the second time today, but this time it's just me and you". I was getting scared and decided to interrupt whatever she was bringing up. I wouldn't have her getting a head start on anything. Knowing well i have sampled her interest on me indirectly through her sister, i decided to shoot my killer shot and hit or miss. That way i will destabilize whatever she is cooking and be in charge either as a victor or valiant. I said

"Mystery girl hear me out,
I know you're listening but i need you here (pointing at my chest),
I am happy with how we are so far but i'll be happier if things further changed
It isn't about just me so i will love to hear you too
Mystery girl i am scared but i'll risk anything to have you here (pointing at my chest),
I think this is your home, my heart
Because ever since we met I've felt this ....
Something i can least call LOVE!
It isn't one way so please let me know
I wish to do this wholeheartedly with you as mine"

She laughed a bit loud, i took my organs to voice this out and she is laughing? That means i am funny maybe i got it all twisted and it has been me alone all this while catching feelings.

She turned towards the road furiously, i joined and stood beside her and she said "listen and be attentive". I was going to vomit my heart, it was beating so fast and my breathe began to seize. My eyes were watery then she continued.
"Haven't you heard of summary?" I was wondering if at all she meant to just end whatever it is ASAP and kept quite. She added " all what you said could have simply been I love you which i do too and would have saved us a lot of tension".

What did Mystery girl just say? No! I dare not ask again she told me to be attentive. But i think i heard her well, i should have gone straight to the point "i love you" and she do too "she love me". There and then i prostrated to make Sujud ash Shukr. As i rose from the ground i felt her hand in mine and she said

"Let's start this journey together, in Truth, Trust and Compassion".

All i remember was my continuous
Amin! Amin!! Amin!!!

We got to the provisions store and back in no time, my friend was already waiting for me at the house when i reached. I forgot totally that we were to return to school that evening.
<<< to be continued >>>

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