E Is For Explosion p.1

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Knockout POV

"(Y/N)?!WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO?!" I screeched out seeing she ran off again, I don't even see nor hear her.

It was about 4 milliseconds before we must be at the mine.And I can't ask Breakdown for help, he just got called to be at the mine right at this moment. It is either due to the reason of another helping hand or those heroic autobot pest trying to take OUR energon. Better be the second one, I like to beat that scouts aft for what he did to my paint job-.

Suddenly a little thud was heard and the next thing that came out, was small whimpering sounds.Oh scrap!I immediately made my way over to where I heard it from and yes, to my horror, I found (Y/N) with fresh bloody scratches on her - what as I know from what humans call it - knees as she began to sniff and cry quietly. Fragging scrap, I'm gonna die.

I knelt down - not too far from her - and try to comfort her by rubbing my finger into tiny circles on her back softly "Don't cry, don't cry, you will be okay (Y/N)...just breathe.."

It seemed that she listen to me and took deep breaths. My spark was beginning to feel pity for this child. Remembering her history me and Breakdown vowed to ourselves that we would do everything in our power to make sure she was always stay  happy and safe. But now seeing this, I feel guilty for once in my life.

"I-It hurts...*sniff*...my kn-kn-knees hurt Knockout...*sniff*...m-make it stop!...*sniff*..."

I looked around for a second before getting an idea, I then picked her up before placing her down on the medical bed. She was all teary eyes but now rather confuse on what I was thinking or what I was going to do. I turn to finally getting what I need, a human aid kit, and place it beside her. I took a deep breath, I never EVER did such thing like this before, but attempted for her sadden sake and for my life.

"(Y/N)?...Can you do me a favor and not scream."

"S-S-Scream?...*sniff*...what do-?"

In an instant - not daring to waste anymore time - I quickly change into my holoform and quickly began on her knee.While doing so, she watch me and did as I asked her to...but she stayed quiet like a žęůö whenever it's dumbfounded at an unknown object. Taking a few more seconds, I finished up and retreat for my original body. Oh how wrong it felt to be like that, all fleshy and bony, how can humans like her do it?

She speaks softly in a shy tone, helm down with her puffy (E/C) optics "...Thank you...s-s-sorry for breaking your p-promise...*sniff*...I didn't m-m-mean to-."

"Don't apologize." I picked her up and immediately transform into my vehicle mode, her in my passanger seat "...Let's let this one slide before we are in real trouble kiddo!" And then I roll out of my lab and speed race my way to the ground bridge.

Starscream POV

They are late!Where in the all spark are they?! Lord Megatron would have my head if they don't arrive soon-.

"Ah!The flightless screamer!Nice to see you here, miss me ugly?" I hear the screeching of wheels before a all to irritation fashion medic say, a look of pure tease and slyness within his optics.

How troublesome.He even brought that child here with him!

I gave a deadly side glare to Knockout, he must know his place "Knockout.You pathetic idiot!Why have you chosen to take that thing here?!Lord Megatron would not be pleased-!"

"Ah!Ah!Ah!"Knockout chuckles, teasing him more, before continuing "..I was directly ordered by Megatron, with Breakdown, to take her with us ANYWHERE we please. But she must be by our side unlike you.And she is no 'thing' her name is (Y/N), if I ever hear that from you again commander..." Knockout then grips the collar of Starscreams, making eye contact with him, before finishing it off cold and souless "....Let's see who become scrapmetal before daylight comes around again, am I right Starscream?"

I gulped nodding "Y-Yes, proceed to the energon cubes, we n-n-need help with getting them onto the s-ship."

Knockout lets out a small sigh letting go, then begins to walk off yelling "What your back if I were you Starscream, I heard that karma can be real a pain in the aft!"

"B-Bye bye Screamy!Nice s-s-seeing you again!"






So much for my luck, maybe next time, I should steal her instead. Yeah!That sounds much better then my other plans!

Soundwave POV

We are at a mine, clearly full of endless energon, and it seems that this may keep us at good energon stock for more then 8 months. That's unless one of us gets wounded and need some of the energon-in-making. Taking my time walking around making sure that no Decipticon did something either suspicious or endanger us all.I found none luckily.

"(Y/N)!Don't touch that!"

I hear a small pout come from out of the blue "B-But it's so prwetty!Can I-I-I touch it Knockout?Pleeaassee?"

I soon, with ease and no distractions of any sort, made my way around to see - right at the right moment of time - Breakdown popped into the conversation.He picked her up and placed her on his shoulderplate, far away from the crystallize energon reach.This only led her to pout more but now to Breakdown.

"Breakdoowwnnn!...W-Why can't I touch it?"

Breakdown gave her a stern look, making it to the point she may listen "This is not for you to EVER touch, it can kill you."


"(Y/N), I'm sorry.But I just can't let you do that, it's for your own good."

The little one thens gives up and stays on Breakdowns shoulderplate the entire time here. It seemed that her loyalty was stronger then her desires, many humans like her - 1% in this world - have that.It seemed she was one of them. Intresting.

Soon enough I hear shotguns go off and blasters too near the entrance of the cave. Just what I need. Making it over I see - the one and only - Optimus Prime with his medic, scout, and soilder femme. I have no sights on the breaker-.

"SAOUNDWAVE LOOK OUT!" The little one screams out getting my attention as that breaker was above me, with boulders in his servos.

I pushed the breaker back - giving him a very good long and painful shock - then made my way to where (Y/N) was hiding. She was hiding in a huge crack within the wall. I tilt my head confuse before spying an all too fimialer red color mech fighting the autobots medic, losing slowly, and a buff blue mech fighting the solider femme and scout, he was kinda failing.

"They s-said that it would be g-g-good to hide right now....C-Can I be with you?...I don't w-w-wanna be alone!"

I thought about it before picking her up, both servos covering her small frame. It would be a bad thing if those autobots saw her, it would cause us tremendous problems in the future.Looking back at the fight, I see that alot of our Decipticon recruits were down and a few were still fighting. It seems that I will have to join in as well. But first, I must make sure she is safe away from here.

I called Lazerbeak out, my loyal companion, and place (Y/N) on his back ":::This is not a place for you to be at, Lazerbeak will take you away for your own saftey.:::"

Lazerbeak wraps his tentacles around her frame after she nods, then they both flew away.


Ah.Now let the fight begin.

Little Innocence, One Big Heart [Decepticons x child!reader!]Where stories live. Discover now