Fun?...More Like Death

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I support gay rights, who is with me???

Time suddenly stopped for everyone.Everything happend so quick, a blur of light, and screams later on.Nothing was revealed of what or who got hurt, or possibly killed, cause once it was over (Y/N) and Smokescreen were both gone.No tracks for Wheeljack to follow or clues to find.

Wheeljack survived, but what happened to his younger friend and the girl?

That may be for another time, but now is to know why Smokescreen finds himself in the Decepticons ship, the Nemesis, and why?Why dose he feel so weak-?

"...You should've have left me be.."

"(Y/N)?" Smokescreen looks up to only greet a sad face "(Y/N)...This place is not safe for-!"

"I don't wanna talk to you no more..." (Y/N) shouts, her voice echoing off the walls "...I like it here!Stop taking me away!"

Smokescreen slowly gets up, making his way over to the human child....But she ran away as soon as Smokescreen tried to grab her with his servos.


Shockwave POV

Done, I finally got it done.A little late sadly but thank the all spark I got it done.Now the logical thing to do now is get (Y/N) and try it out-.

"She is sleeping, don't you dare try to wake her up Shocks.."

"I know she requires human sleep Predaking, but I am further curious of her heritage."

Predaking walks over to my finish project, observing it, then glare at me " knowing she is a orphan abandoned due to the last of her sire and carrier not enough to break her further??"

"I do see what you are saying, and I know you can not fix the past.." I made my way over to a large bag, throwing it into the incinerator below "...but it is illogical to not know more about her."

Predaking did not move, did not speak, just stood there.Watching my many movements.But then he sniffs the air, and with a chuckle from myself, watch him cringe in pure disgust at what roams the air.

"What in the pits was in that bag?!"

"Humans I have used for this project, it would be logical if I just spray some perfume for less cringing from you."

Predakings optics widen, looking at me in shock "....How many-?"

"70 humans in total, 50 mechs and 20 femmes, all of them died except one."

"And what did you do-?"

"Killed her.She did her purpose, nothing else she can live for."

Predaking was in a state of shock as I, as normal as I could be, told him all his answers to his questions.Nothing being held back...I may have broke him-.

"Yo smarty cyclops dude!.." The doors open to reveal Voidlight rushing in right beside Soundwave "..Where is the human??Did she die, something smells dead here-???"

"Your smelling my human prodigies that I just thrown into the incinerator, and she is asleep.Human time."

Voidlight pouts, hanging her head low slightly "Frag!I was going to say my goodbye to that thing!"

":::Shockwave.." Soundwave shows me his tentacles, seeing one has been torn off "....I require some assistance:::"

I tilt my head, confuse but rather blank "....Sit at the medical birth, I will be there shortly."

Soundwave did as requested.And I have got the proper tools to fix his injury.While I was at it I see both Preadaking and Voidlight enjoying eachothers company.How odd is that?One so small but dangerous as a scraplet while the other is a giant beast with ferocious power but is as normal and soft as a sparkling.Such an odd duo.

"There.." I finish the last wiring then seal the wound, now making it look good as new "....I am done."

Soundwave didn't do anything but stare at me, blank.Did I mess up on his wiring-?

":::I suddenly require more assistance but.." Soundwave leans into my faceplate, almost kissing me with his visor "....more down to the topic.:::"

If I actually had a face then just an eye you would see me blushing like no tommorrow.What is this feeling?

Soundwave makes a ':3' pop up on his visor before finally kissing me with his visor.Before he pulled back, only to walk pass me quickly.

"....what did I just witness?"

Voidlight laughs, rolling her optics as she peeks into the house "Preadaking...that my boi is called gay right-....Isn't this the girls bedroom?I don't see anyone in there-??"

That was when 3r1n and 5t3v3 came barging in, screaming "AN AUTOBOT IS ON THE SHIP AND IT'S ON (Y/N) TAILPIPE!"

And like they said Soundwave immediately finds a video of a race car trying to catch up and snag little (Y/N) as she keeps going zig zag all the way down.

Dreadwing POV

I hear screaming.Why dose it sound so fimialer?I get off my birth to open the door in time to catch a glimpse of a race car fly by....but then it shifts into a Autobot and was holding onto something.




"LET HER GO YOU AUTOPEST!!!" I ram my body into his side, making him slam into the wall right after I snatch (Y/N) from his grasp.

She was breathing in heavily, her forehead covered in sweat...How long was she running away from him for?

"I don't know how I got here.." The autobot gets back up, ready to attack barely "...But I am not leaving her here, I'm sorry (Y/N), but your coming back with me-!"

"You are weak, I can see it within your optics, don't fight me boy."

No.He didn't listen, so I did what I have to do.I managed to cover (Y/N)'s eyes before I shot him in the abdomen,  him clasping onto the floor, losing energon each and every second that passed.Then he was gone.

"..Just when I thought of causing some damage to him."

I made a loud 'tch' taking (Y/N) with me into my room "Do what you please, it is all yours now."

Knockout hums, satisfied "I plan to.~"

But little dose Dreadwing and (Y/N) know is that Knockout took Smokescreen's corpse to his lab, but he only laughs in pure amusement.

"Well look at that!..." He comes over to Smokescreen body, eyeing it with pure evil "...he still lives, but in a major coma.How fun this is going to be!~"

Little Innocence, One Big Heart [Decepticons x child!reader!]Where stories live. Discover now